Winter Pet Care Tips for Dogs

Dogs need special care during cold weather just like people do. We like to stay indoors when it’s cold and we tend to be less active. Our four footed friends are the same way. That’s why it’s important for owners to brush up on winter pet care tips for your dog.

Cold Weather Illnesses
No matter how thick the coat may be, staying outdoors in cold weather can be dangerous. The Association of Pet Dog Trainers tells us that good pet care protects dogs from hypothermia or frostbite. Bring your dog into your home or warm barn frequently and provide adequate shelter to avoid these illnesses.

Winter is tough on dogs. Good pet care mandates that shelters be a few inches off of the ground with blankets and a wind flap. Special heating pads can keep a shelter cozy and warm. This way, winter weather won’t freeze the water bowl.

One of the best winter pet care tips for dogs there is to keep water available. A water bowl with warmer keeps ice from forming and makes sure water is accessible.

Did you know that extra calories are needed to help dogs generate heat? The Humane Society gives us the winter pet care tip to give outdoor dogs more food than in the rest of the year.

Pet Clothing
Speaking of heat, dogs that aren’t acclimated to winter weather and short hair breeds may need a jacket. A winter pet care tip for your dog is put his or sweater jacket on when you put yours on. Cold weather clothing can be purchased at your favorite pet store.

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A leash and ID tag are not optional in winter. Pent up energy can increase the chance that your dog will run away. Bad weather decreases a driver’s ability to see. This makes roadways and driveways especially dangerous.

Snow makes it harder for pets to find their way home. Microchips are vital to help bring a lost dog home. It’s one of the best pet care tips for dogs that you can do.

Metal collar hazards
American Dog Trainers Network advises that winter isn’t the time to wear metal that can freeze. Talk to your vet or trainer if you don’t feel that it’s 100% safe to replace your dog’s metal collar with a nylon one.

Wipe your paws
Salt and de-icing pellets on the street and in the driveway are hazardous. These are irritating to paws and to stomachs if eaten. A good winter pet care tip for your dog is to wipe paws with a soft towel when you come indoors.

Be sure to give the spaces between the pads extra attention. Sand and salt can stick there and be ingested later. You should do this for dogs that wear boots too. It’s also a good idea to wipe off legs and tummies.

Good winter pet care tips for dogs apply indoors.

Antifreeze and pellets
Garages can be a problem. Clean up any spilled antifreeze promptly and fully. Keep all winter chemicals away from curious noses at all times.

Heat Sources
One of the winter pet care tips for dogs that owners forget is to be vigilant around heat sources. Squeaky toys and tails can easily get too close to heaters or fireplaces. An extra grate may be worth the investment.

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Ask the pros
One of the best winter pet care tips for dogs is to talk with a veterinarian. He or she can make other suggestions that will keep your furry friend healthy all year round.

Personal Experience
Association of Pet Dog Owners
