My Personal Philosophy of Education Statement

I believe that each individual needs a stimulating, intellectually challenging, caring and supportive environment in which to learn. It is my desire as an educator to offer all students this environment. I will provide an environment that is conducive to learning by

Acting as a facilitator in the classroom.

Using a variety of teaching methods to address all learning modalities of the students.

Fostering an environment that promotes respect for all.

Generating enthusiasm for learning the sciences. Facilitator (n) : someone who makes progress easier

A teacher acting as a facilitator and a coach in the classroom provides students the opportunity to engage themselves fully in their education. The students are able to make progress in learning through their own construction. By giving the students the reigns to knowledge and guiding them towards the answers, teachers are offering the students a chance to make the learning meaningful.

Variety (n): the quality or state of having different forms or types

I believe that it is essential to the learning process that students be offered an assortment of activities in the classroom. Differentiated instruction is indispensable to the quality of learning in a diverse classroom. As educators, we must not forget that we are teaching individuals with their own needs and different modalities of learning. Developing activities to offer authentic situations allows students to cultivate their own intrinsic motivation to learn. Through variety, students are able to learn in their own way and are given the opportunity for ownership of the material.

Respect (n): Willingness to show consideration or appreciation

Students are able to learn best when they are in an environment that is safe, respectful, and honors differences. When students are free to have their ideas and questions heard, they are more likely to take risks in the classroom. This provides an environment that is conducive to learning. By setting fair rules and enforcing them consistently, students learn what is expected of them, and this fosters an atmosphere of mutual respect and appreciation of the material presented.

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Enthusiasm (n): Great excitement for or interest in a subject or cause.

As early as grade school, I have been intrigued by science. In high school, I found that when I struggled, it was a few great science teachers that allowed me to see my potential by providing me with various methods to help me learn. I discovered that I wanted to do the same for students. I have learned through teaching that enthusiasm is contagious. By allowing students to see my enthusiasm for teaching and for the sciences, I am able to generate “electricity” in the classroom that gets students excited about learning.

Science education is my passion and I have come to realize its vital importance in this increasingly science and technology driven world. I feel that I offer unique perspectives and interesting opportunities for students in the classroom. I will always strive to be the best teacher and “coach” that I can be for students.