My Home Remedies for an Upset Stomach

When ever I am sick or feel sick to my stomach, I think of what I can do to help. I noticed that things like over the counter medications do not really help, and if they do, they do not last long enough. Prescription medications work, but they take forever to get and are normally very expensive. I do not like to wait for relief when my stomach is ready to climb out of my body. I would rather try my own ways to stave off the queasy and nauseous feelings of an upset stomach.

My first choice is usually a simple one, one dab of tooth paste on the tongue can usually take care of minor upset stomachs. It is not the toothpaste that cures the queasiness, but the mint taste and smell. Mint is known to be a very good quick remedy for upset stomachs. You can also eat raw fresh mint, make mint tea, or use it cooked in a starchy meal. Mint is great for promoting digestion, so it will help your stomach along in moving out any pests that have it going haywire.

My second choice would have to be ginger ale, the real deal, not imitation. Reason behind this is because real ginger is and always has been a natural for curing nausea and upset stomachs. I use this method of home remedy when I can’t keep anything else down. It helps you stay hydrated as well as helps with the nausea. Remember not to add ice to the ginger ale either, ice can make nausea worse, and even induce vomiting.

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My third choice is off limits to me at the moment, due to the fact that I am pregnant. Not only is it an upset stomach cure, but a labor inducing herb as well. That is according to But as for the non pregnant ones looking to feel better, cinnamon might just be perfect for you. That is right cinnamon. You can buy fresh cinnamon sticks at your local grocery store, or buy ground cinnamon. Use these in very weak tea and add a tea spoon of honey to sweeten it up and there is one way to use it as a cure. You can also use the aroma. Cinnamon’s aroma is great for helping get rid of the feeling of an upset stomach, so you can try a cinnamon candle or cinnamon oil to help as well. Why is cinnamon a great choice? Well it has a lot to do with the fact that it is a great source of iron and fiber, and low iron levels can play a big part in an upset stomach.

Last but not least should be used with the herbal remedies above. Sleep, the main cure for any ailment, including an upset stomach. Sleeping it off is recommended by almost every doctor in the world. Especially when you are so sick you can’t stand it, or even have a mild case of the flu. Sleeping helps the body regenerate and fight infections, bacteria, and it helps promote digestion. So when you start feeling like your stomach is going to take over, take a look at your spice rack, make your remedy, and hit the hay. You will feel better in no time.

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For more information on any of these remedies you can visit any of these sites below,