My eBay Success Stories

When I was in high school it was a source of extra income. In college it was my primary source of income. I’m talking about my friend eBay. If you know what your doing then there is some money to be made selling for the online-auction powerhouse. I sold nearly everything that I could get my hands on worth value to get through school. You may be surprised at the price certain things you may consider junk bring on the site. In this article I will explain some of the items that have sold well for me in the past.

I mostly sold old VHS tapes at first and some people laughed then just the same as some probably are right now but some movies on VHS are very valuable if you do your research. One time at a yard sale I bought this collection of old wrestling tapes for the late 80s and early 90s. I paid $50 for the entire collection of roughly 40 tapes many of which were WWF with some WCW/NWA mixed in as well. In the end after I had sold the entire collection individually on eBay the profit was nearly $1,000. A couple of the tapes in that box were worth more alone than what was paid for the entire collection. God bless eBay I thought to myself with money in hand. This was the moment when I started to branch out to selling other items.

The following week I placed an ad in the paper stating that I was looking to buy used VHS tapes, dvds, cds and games. I received a flood of calls that proved to be a waste of my time as people were wanting almost as much as what the items cost brand new. Finally my ad paid off as I received a call from a minister seeking to get rid of a trunk full of items that a troubled man had given him in hopes of changing his ways. The minister told me he didn’t really know what all was in the trunk but that I could have it for $100. I was in shock when I arrived to check it out and realized it was a gold mine. Inside the trunk were the following items: a Xbox with 2 controllers and around 20 games, a collection of over 400 cds and a Playstation with around 15 games. I sold the contents of the trunk on eBay for around $1,200.

See also  Make Money on EBay with McDonald's Collectibles

Near the end of my education I stumbled upon a great find that otherwise never would’ve crossed my mind. A series of unfortunate events left me in the possession of several large mounted animal heads. These very beautiful and exotic animals but they just were too bulky for my own tastes so I decided that I would try to sell them on eBay. These were all trophy mounts but still I was stunned to see these mounts going for $500-$1,000. After paying for some hefty shipping costs I still earned a couple thousand dollars.

As you can see there are many ways to make money on eBay. All it takes is some research and patience and you could stumble into a nice bundle of cash. Just remember the next time you drive by a yard sale that you could be potentially passing up hundreds if not thousands of dollars.
