My Braun Citrus Juicer — Couldn’t Live Without It

I have an appliance in my kitchen that I value almost more than any other. It does one thing and only one thing. It’s simple–no bells and whistles. It’s my citrus juicer. I have been using juicers like this one for over forty years! Presently the juicer I have is a Braun. This company produces great appliances for the kitchen and has a superlative reputation because of it. I know I really like all their products that I’ve owned. My juicer has been heavily used in my kitchen for almost a decade and is still going strong.

Braun is the Cadillac of appliance manufacturers, in my opinion. Their motors are powerful, top-notch machines that are durable and long lasting. I use my Braun Juicer at least twice a week. It has a bottom foundation that houses the motor. A canister with a plastic sleeve in the center fits on this foundation. This is what catches the juice. Then place the pulp catcher over the canister. This is the third part of the machine. You just place the small plastic juicer cap over the motor’s post when it’s through that sleeve, and you’re set to go. They’re actually four parts that have to be assembled to put the machine into use, but this is so simple a child could do it. Pressing down with a grapefruit or orange cut in half starts the motor turning. As it turns it very quickly reams out the grapefruit.

People who haven’t tasted fresh-squeezed fruit juice have no idea of the difference between that and any store-bought juices. There’s absolutely no comparison. I especially look forward to February when the fabulous Temple oranges begin to arrive at the fresh produce stores. Anyone reading this article should ask at the local stores about Temple oranges and get some to squeeze. If you have a juicer like mine, you can have an entire 32 oz. of fresh juice in about 20 minutes from the first slice to the end of cleanup. This type of juicer beats hand-squeezing hands-down. I just wouldn’t be able to juice if it weren’t for my Braun.

See also  Raw Food Kitchen Appliances

My Braun juicer allows me to get the most out of juice. Most people are unaware of how much food value and vitamins are lost shortly after squeezing. By juicing citrus fruit and drinking it within a day or even sooner, you’ll be getting the real thing with all its benefits, plus an incredibly delicious juice. Hasving this model juicer also lets me juice fresh lemons. I can quickly have about a half-cup of lemon juice to put in the refrigerator for use in ice tea and salad dressings. It just makes everything so much easier.