Mother’s Milk Tea Side Effects and Risks

The supplement manufacturer Traditional Medicinals manufactures Mothers’ Milk tea, a bittersweet-tasting tea designed to improve breast milk production in lactating mothers. Mother’s Milk can be highly effective; it works by increasing levels of lactation-related hormones including prolactin and progesterone.

The herbs in Mother’s Milk tea include fennel, aniseed, coriander, fenugreek and blessed thistle. When used in moderation, these herbs are generally safe. However, potential users should be aware of these possible side effects of Mother’s Milk tea.

Excessive Stomach Acid

Blessed thistle in mother’s milk tea has traditionally been used to increase breast milk production and decrease gas symptoms. In massive doses, this medicinal herb can cause a slight elevation in stomach acid levels. Use Mother’s Milk tea with caution if you have a hiatal hernia, gastroesophogeal reflux disease or stomach ulcers; it may worsen these conditions.

Upset Stomach

Fenugreek, a popular Ayurvedic herb, is one of the primary components of herbal teas to increase breast milk production. Fenugreek is generally safe and widely used in food, but causes many of the side effects of Mother’s Milk tea. Fenugreek may cause stomach discomforts such as bloating, gas and mild diarrhea.

Body Odor

Solotone, a strong-smelling compound in fenugreek, causes the naturally sweet, maple-like flavor of Mother’s Milk tea. Unfortunately, solotone tends to seep into pores and sweat, causing the mother and (rarely) the baby to develop a body odor similar to maple syrup. While some women don’t mind this side effect, others find it embarrassing.

Decreased Breast Milk Supply

The two primary ingredients in Mother’s Milk tea are fennel and anise. Both of these herbs contain large doses of anethole, a naturally-occurring medicinal compound that increases levels of prolactin and estrogen in the female body. While these herbs can be effective for improving the milk ejection (“let down”) reflex, their estrogenic effects may paradoxically decrease supply. To avoid this side effect, do not exceed four cups per day of Mother’s Milk tea.

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Allergic Reaction

All plants, including medicinal herbs, contain proteins that may trigger allergic reactions. One potential side effect of Mother’s Milk tea is an allergic reaction. Symptoms of an allergic reaction to Mother’s Milk tea include hives, diarrhea, vomiting or rapid heart rate. If you have a history of allergies, including seasonal allergies, use medicinal herbs with caution.

Sources Used
Journal of Ethnopharmacology: Fennel and Anise as Estrogenic Agents
Kelly Bonyata: Herbal Remedies for Increasing Milk Supply
Kelly Bonyata: Fenugreek – Side Effects
National Institutes of Health: Blessed Thistle
National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Fenugreek