MMA Workout Review: TapouT XT Likely to Be the Next P90X

TapouT XT offers the ability to have an extreme MMA workout in the privacy of your own home. Created by Mike Karpenko, the program is designed to challenge your muscles and mind with 12 DVDs. Since the only other equipment you need are a resistance band and leg band that come with the DVDs, the cost of exercising at home is nonexistent.

A Challenging Workout

TapouT XT is definitely a challenging 90-day workout that is not designed for someone looking for an easy way to get their daily minimum exercise. It is built around Rapid-Fire Interval Precision Power (RIPP) with mixed martial arts as the foundation. The 12 DVDs put you through a full spectrum of challenging programs that include cardio, resistance, strength and basic core workouts.

Contents of the Program

In addition to 12 DVDs, resistance band and leg band, TapouT XT comes with a fitness guide and nutritional guide. The other free items include an extra strike training DVD that gives MMA form tips to help you exercise properly and an ultimate abs DVD for your core. The package also comes with a towel, 10-day slim down plan, and workout calendar. For the exhibitionists, you can get an “Earned With Sweat” T-Shirt by emailing or mailing before and after photographs that show how TapouT XT has improved your body.

90 Days

TapouT XT is designed to reshape your body in 90 days by improving strength and endurance. The nutrition guide comes with meal plans but does not advocate for any additional supplements. This is a refreshing change from many workout programs that seem to rely on promoting supplements. There is a 90-day money back guarantee, but if you actually follow the guidelines you will see improvements. The program is designed to push your limits while helping you tone and build some muscle.

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Support from MMA

Several MMA fighters have come out in support of TapouT XT. Jon “Bones” Jones, Ryan “Darth” Bader, Chris “Lights Out” Lytle, Donald “Cowboy” Cerrone, Benson “Smooth” Henderson, Carlos Condit, Diego “The Dream” Sanchez, Miesha “Takedown” Tate, Vinny “Pezao” Magalhães, Leonard “Bad Boy” Garcia and Jake Shields have created videos discussing the program. Some fighters like “Cowboy” Cerrone, Leonard Garcia and Ryan Bader are featured in the DVD workouts. TapouT XT has found support from the MMA community, but the program is designed to be accessible for the average user willing to commit 90 days to train.

The success or failure of many exercise programs depends on the creator, and fitness expert Mike Karpenko has done an excellent job of targeting an audience interested in MMA workouts for the home. Karpenko has a B.S. degree in business administration from SUNY-Buffalo. He also has training as a Certified Personal Trainer, Certified MMA Conditioning Coach and as a Primary Group Exercise coach.

Although Karpenko has experience working with professional MMA fighters, Karpenko’s program does not require you to have a mixed martial arts background or be a UFC fighter to be successful. The number of positive reviews already available shows a unique workout that is gaining popularity. Given its level of support, the workout is likely to stick with consumers for years just like P90X.