P90X Extreme Home Fitness Review

P90X, made my Tony Horton, is not for the weak and frail. This is a tough program for most people to do, but it gives real results. This is the single best home DVD fitness program I’ve seen. The product cosistes of 13 DVDs, a fitness book and a nutrition book. The first DVD is “How to Bring It,” which just tells you what P90X is all about and what you will be doing. The rest of the DVDs are focused on various muscle groups, like chest and back, shoulders and arms, legs and back, covering all muscle groups in the body. The fitness book again highlights what P90X is all about and explains the workout plan and each exercise. The nutrition books tells you how much to eat and how much protein you need, plus comes with tons of healthy recipes. The program also comes with workout sheets that you right down your rep number and weight on.

What you will need for P90X:

Set of dumbbells or resistance bands

Pull-up bar

Yoga mat or similar

Optional stuff:

Push up bars

Yoga blocks

Like I said at the begining of the review, this program is challenging for most people. On their website P90X.com they have made a fitness test to see if your fit enough to try it out. If you not they have a lot of other programs directed for people just starting out. You don’t have to perform as good as the people on the DVDs, but you have to be able to push yourself. This program, if done correctly will give you fantastic results. You have to follow the workout plan and eat right to see the results. Now the program is a mix between weight lifting and cardio. You will do weight training on Monday, cardio on Tuesday, then weight training again, get it? For women, you will not get bulky from this program, you will get lean because your instructed to do high reps, for men that wants to get bulky your instructed to do lower reps, it’s for both sexs. The program has a session of Yoga every week, called Yoga X, and this isn’t your average yoga. This type of yoga will challenge you, and after your done doing one session you will feel so great. After every weight training session you do a 15 minute ab workout, called Ab Ripper, and it does just that. This ab workout will push you and make your stomach three times as strong.

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P90X is based on what they call muscle confusion. This is a factor that most body builders know about but most people just starting out don’t. When you do the same workout for long periods of time, your body gets used the the routine and you stop seeing results. With P90X you will do a set workout for about 3 weeks, then do a recovery week, then start a whole new workout to “confuse” your muscles and promote muscle growth and fat loss. If you keep your muscles guessing you will keep getting better results.

P90X is a 3 month program, and resently Tony Horton have come out with an extended edition of P90X that will challenge you even more. If you want to look better and feel better than ever in your life, this is the program to do. You do this all at home, requires no gym membership, and everything is already planned out for you. I highly recommend P90X.