Migraine Relief Without a Prescription

If you’ve ever talked to your doctor about migraine headaches I’m sure he explained to you that they affect about 30 million Americans and 75 % of those sufferers are women. He has probably went over different medications that can ease the pain of these headaches although there is nothing that will ‘cure’ them. Imitrex would be one of the medications that he would talk to you about, and I can say that these little pills actually work. The key is to take it as soon as you feel a migraine coming on, the longer you wait to take it the less affect it will have. The biggest side affect , in my case, is really bad heart burn but as anyone who has had a migraine knows, heart burn has nothing on the pain of these headaches. The only downfall is that you will need a prescription for this medicine and if you have health insurance, as many Americans don’t, your looking at a huge bill. So for those of you who can’t afford Imitrex, what are your choices? Well, I have suffered with the pain of these headaches, without the luxury of health insurance, for years. So I’ve been forced to find other ways to cope with them and the pain they bring. Those who suffer from migraines know the symptoms all to well, (besides the intense pain of the headache itself) such as nausea, dizziness, depression, severe mood swings, sensitivity to light and sounds, and the list goes on. Basically when you have a migraine all you really want to do is lock yourself in an isolated room, turn the lights off, and go to sleep.

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Over the counter medications that do work:

As many migraine sufferers know what worked for you last month may not work this month. It seems when our body gets used to one medication it will soon have no effect on our headache. For that reason the medications that I have listed below you have to alternate. For about a month take one then the next month take the next, and you get the point.

Excedrin Migraine-Normal Excedrin causes some to become sick to their stomachs but the migraine version seems to be gentler on the stomach and actually works.

Pamprin and Midol- Now I know this one sounds odd but a doctor once told me that migraines are thought to be caused by hormones and medication for that time of the month will usually work for these type of headaches.

Tylenol Sinus- I know they are for sinus headaches but they will also ease the pain from a migraine.

Relief Without Medication:

Drink more water – Migraines can be brought on by dehydration so, even though you feel your not thirsty, have a nice big glass of water.

Eat More – Migraines can also be caused by hunger, if you are like a lot of us and do not eat breakfast try to at least get some bread or crackers into your system.

Drink some coffee-caffeine is one of the main ingredients in migraine medication so it would make sense to have a cup as soon as you feel the beginning of a headache.

Eat a popsicle or try a cold cloth on your head – The intense change in temperature offers instant relief but as soon as your temperature regulates the pain will be back.

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Get a bath- Run a warm relaxing bath and lay so that both of your ears are under water, the pressure offers instant relief but, like above, as soon as your ears are out of the water your pain will return.

Start yoga- Honestly a lot of migraines, at least in my case, stem from stress so it makes sense to start doing some something that will get all that out and will give you the feel good endorphins that you want. You don’t need to take any fancy classes just go buy a yoga mat for about $15 and a DVD for beginners which will run you about $ 10 and get to it, your mind will thank you.

I’m not a doctor, I’m just sharing things that work for me and I hope that they can offer some relief for you also.