Menstrual Cramp Relief for Teens

Menstrual cramp is irritating and painful. Period! We, as older women are aware of the nagging pain every month. Always on schedule like the bills; menstrual cramp is a part and parcel of every woman’s life. But remember when you first had it? Menstrual periods can be light and easy for some teens and young women, but for many, they can be heavy or accompanied by painful cramps. Many miss school, sport practices because of menstrual cramp. While many teens are excited about getting a period, many remain confused and oblivious. The anxiety, discomfort, pain and the fear of the unknown frustrates them. How can we as parents provide them the relief and the comfort zone?

Menstrual Cramp Relief for Teens: Patience

Patience is a virtue and the parents learn this early. Mom of two daughters, I find my discomfort taking a back seat every month. When I see my daughter rolling on the bed with menstrual cramp; I know, I’ll do anything to comfort her. “Why me, Mommy?” “Why does this happen?” “Oh, I felt it again.” The list of vulnerable questions remains endless. Be sensitive and calm. Talk to them and gently ease them out of the situation, thus providing much needed relief. If things get beyond control for you, ask your spouse to take charge.

Menstrual Cramp Relief for Teens: Educate Yourself

Ignorance might be bliss for certain people, but the advantages of educating yourself remain immense. When my daughter first experienced menstrual cramp, all she wanted to do was sit in the bathroom for endless hours and relieve her. Often frustrated, I researched the web and its resources and found many teens and women experienced diarrhea during menstruation, a symptom I never knew about. Learning about it helped and made me more patient towards her.

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Menstrual Cramp Relief for Teens: Natural Remedies

Though giving the teens an over the counter medicine seems an easy alternative for menstrual cramp relief; many prefer holding on to it till the very end. Try and ease the pain with natural remedies:

Heat: Heat provides relief to menstrual cramp to many teens. Using a hot water bottle on the abdomen helps. According to various experts, heat increases blood flow and circulation to the uterus and may help lessen the impact of the naturally occurring chemicals that cause the cramps.

Chill out your cramps. Remember each person is different. While for some teens heat eases the pain, for some it aggravates the menstrual cramp. According to Dr. Debrovner at says that some teens, “find that applying cold instead of heat eases cramps. Try putting an ice pack on your ab- domen for 15 to 20 minutes. The cold constricts blood vessels, which can bring relief.

Activity: As parents, the first reaction to their daughter experiencing menstrual cramp is, “Relax!” But exercises release endorphins, body’s own natural painkillers and it takes their mind off the cramps. Keep them active and encourage them to follow the normal routine.

Diet: Fresh pineapple juice contains bromelaine – an enzyme that relaxes muscles.

Herbs: If your daughter isn’t picky, try herbs. Ginger tea is soothing, healthy choice for pain relief.

Distract: It helps not to think about the pain. Encourage teens to read a book, or talk to a friend. Watching a movie provides the much needed relief.

Menstrual Cramp Relief for Teens: Avoid

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High intake of salt
Food high in arachidonic acid

Menstrual Cramp Relief for Teens: Over the Counter Medicine

Over the counter medications: Midol and Pamprin are two over-the-counter medications many girls try first for relief. Some girls find Advil 200mg works just fine for their cramps. However, it should be remembered that every teen is different. What works for one won’t necessarily work for the other. Always consult a doctor prior to giving any medication.

Over the years, your teen would learn to handle the menstrual cramp in her ways. It’s only in the initial years she needs your patience, love, care and a gentle shoulder to put her head on. Cherish these moments. They don’t remain around for long.
