How to Cure a Leg Cramp

Think of this scene… you are walking fast because you are running late and all of a sudden you get this shooting pain in your leg which makes you almost fall down. A leg cramp! And in the middle of the street you are not going to find a leg cramp remedy waiting for you. You wish you did know of some instant leg cramp remedy that would get you up a walking again right? Leg cramps happen when a muscle or a bunch of muscles contract suddenly. It can be quite painful and its attack comes with no warning.

Generally a leg cramp occurs in the calf muscles but it can happen anywhere toe to thigh. While there is no leg cramp remedy that will ensure that you do not get leg cramp… there are certain factors that trigger it and your best leg cramp remedy would be the one factor which is causing it if any applies to you.

Some causes of leg cramps are things like muscle weakness due to over exercising. So the leg cramp remedy here would be to ensure that you drink plenty of water during you workout so that there is no dehydration that could lead to fatigue of the muscle. Are you over weight? If so then losing some of that excess weight is a very good leg cramp remedy. This basically means you work out regularly and if your muscles are stretched on a daily basis you can avoid leg cramps.

If you have problems like hormonal imbalances then you could be prone to leg cramps. The leg cramp remedy here would be to just stretch out the affected muscle and work the cramp out of it slowly. Any abnormality in the nerves could also lead to leg cramps. But for these again there is no leg cramp remedy that work as a one on one solution. Check with your doctor for a suitable leg cramp remedy that will help you. Lack of salt in the body could be another factor so a slightly salty drink will make an appropriate leg cramp remedy for your cramp. No harm in trying out the option right!

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Did you know that too much heat or cold can also cause leg cramps? The leg cramp remedy here would be to bring the temperature down to normal where you will not get a cramp. Sometimes we curl up in bed in a nice warm blanket little realizing that our muscles are getting too warm, especially in the legs and this is where we set the stage for a leg cramp. The leg cramp remedy would be to sit with your upper body covered but your feet less covered so you alleviate the cramp if any is waiting to happen.

Keeping your legs folded or in some awkward position for a long time will also result in leg cramps. Here your leg cramp remedy would be to ensure that whatever and wherever you sit make sure your legs are well supported then keep doing simple stretches so a cramp does not develop.

Leg cramps do not have to bother you anymore. Find the cause and the related leg cramp remedy if any from your doctor. Happy walking!