Menopause: The Best Foods for You and Your Symptoms

If you are going through menopause, you know that the symptoms can be rough. Hot flashes and night sweats can be some of the worst. But, scientists say, there are certain foods and supplements you can consume – or avoid – that may keep you healthy and possibly alleviate some of the symptoms that accompany menopause. Following are some of the suggested foods to stay healthy.

Calcium is one of the most important nutrients your body needs when you are going through menopause. Because menopause reduces the amount of estrogen in the system, osteoperosis is a big concern for menopausal women. Foods rich in calcium like yogurt and milk are a great way to keep your calcium levels where they should be and to keep your bones strong. A maximum amount of 2,000 milligrams of calcium per day is recommended, but no more than that. You can either consume calcium rich foods, or take a calcium supplemental tablet. Other calcium rich foods are broccoli, legumes, and certain types of fish with bones, like sardines.

Another important nutrient menopausal women need is Vitamin D, because this vitamin helps the body to absorb calcium. Vitamin D can be taken as a supplement, or extra Vitamin D can be acquired by spending an hour per day in the sunlight. This amount of exposure to the sun can be healthy, and helps the body to produce Vitamin D naturally.

Getting plenty of iron in your diet while menopausal is also important. Three servings of iron rich foods per day is recommended. Plenty of iron can be found in lean red meat, eggs, fish, chicken, nuts, grain, and green, leafy vegetables.

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Another nutrient that is important is fiber. A diet high in fiber can have many great benefits. High fiber diets have been shown to greatly lower bad cholesterol. Foods with plenty of fiber include fresh fruits, vegetables, oats, cereals, pasta and whole grain breads. At least two to four servings of fruit and three to five servings of vegetables is recommended in an every day diet.

Be sure to stay hydrated, and drink plenty of water. Read nutrition labels on packages to ensure that you are consuming good, nutritious foods. If you are overweight, consume smaller portions and avoid fatty foods. Eating foods with trans and saturated fats have been shown to sometimes make symptoms of menopause more severe, as well as leading to possible heart diseases. Try to use sugar and salt in moderation. Eating high amounts of salt can lead to high blood pressure, or hypertension, and smoked, cured meats that are very high in sodium and nitrates, are linked to causing cancer.

Studies have shown that maintaining a healthy diet while going through menopause can help to reduce or alleviate some of the symptoms. A few other things to be avoided or consumed in strict moderation are spicy foods, caffeine, and alcohol. These have been linked to increasing hot flashes and making them more severe.

Isoflavones, an element found in tofu and soy products has been shown to reduce menopausal symtoms. The isoflavones work as a weak form of estrogen, telling your body that you shouldn’t have as many symptoms. Isoflavones have also been shown to reduce high cholesterol.

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Following these tips on which types of food to include in your diet may help to alleviate or even end menopausal symptoms altogether. One of the most important factors in controlling menopause and the accompanying symptoms is to maintain a healthy weight, get plenty of the necessary nutrients, and stay on a healthy diet.