Five Great Low Carb Beers

For some, summer fun is not complete without a good beer. Unfortunately many of us are watching our waist lines and the ever-popular low carb diet is quickly coming into play since we are soon to be down to our skivvies by the pool. It’s a tough combination trying to keep the weight off and still have a few brewskys with our friends. The good news: there is a bountiful selection of low carb beer. But keeping off the weight has more to do with moderation than elimination or substitution, and it is always a good idea to keep track of what we are putting in our bodies. One beer can easily turn into six, so it is essential that we stick with the right brand..

Thanks to the BellaOnline’s low carb editor, Lisa Shea, I have found a list of beers, complete with carb counts and more. There are no ‘no carb beers’, but there is a good selection of low carb beer. Check it out for yourself, but here is list of the five lowest carb beers mentioned:

Thin Ice, the lowest of low carb beer, is packed with 1 gram of carbohydrates. Yes, that’s right folks, just one. It has a full 90 calories, but isn’t exactly something an traditional beer drinker might enjoy. It’s more of a sprite type beer.

Next is Accel with a whopping 2.4 grams carbohydrates, and 89 calories. This beer is popular for being fresh and light.

Aspen Edge by Coors, has a whole 2.6 grams carbohydrates, and 94 calories.

Don’t forget your MGD light with it’s 2.6 grams of carbohydrates, and a mere 64 calories -this one is sure to make MGD fans happy.

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And then last, but not least, because this one is my own personal favorite, Michelob Ultra with a solid 2.6 grams of carbohydrates, and 95 calories. I think this one is light and tasty.

So there you have it, five great beers with very few carbohydrates, but then back to the point I mentioned earlier- moderation. An important thing to remember when on a low-carb diet: many people believe that alcohol mimicks the effects of sugar on the body. So, just because a beer is low in carbohydrates, does not mean that it adheres well to the Atkins diet, or other similar low-carb diets. It is certainly helpful to drink a low carbohydrate beer, as opposed to a high carbohydrate beer, but pay attention to the alcohol content, as well as how many you ingest. And as most of us beer drinkers know, one can easily turn into six. And I’m sorry, but after six, most of us are pretty much forgetting our diets anyway. The last thing we want is to have a beer gut from a six pack daily habit, when we are wishing for just a six pack. It’s also easy for us to forget that we are dieting when we are inebriated -actually we may remember, but we just might not care. We don’t want regrets, we just want fun.

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