Master Cleanse Diet Recipe: What to Include and Not to Include

The master cleanse diet or the lemonade diet is becoming more famous after the R&B; diva, Beyonce Knowles, announced that she did this cleansing diet on one of her appearances in Oprah show. This master cleanse diet is indeed a get-slim-fast solution for people in desperate need for weight loss. The lemonade diet recipe consist of 2 tablespoons of fresh lemon juice, grade B maple syrup, water and cayenne pepper.

However you can include additional ingredients to give your lemonade a little bit of twist. Try mixing the lemonade juice with a little bit of the lemonade skin. Make sure you peel the yellow surface of the skin though. Since a lot of companies use artificial colouring on the skin. Mix the lemonade juice and the lemon skin in a blender before you drink it. Another option is putting a leaf of mint in the lemonade. It will give your lemonade a refreshing fragrant that can sooth your mind. You can also include more fresh water to consume separately. Your body will release a lot of toxins in water and chance is that you will lose more water than you should to. So drinking fresh water is okay to keep your body from dehydration.

There is an ingredient that should not be consumed in the lemonade diet though since it will not benefit your body at all. Through my personal experience I find that the salt water flush mixture is not beneficial to your body metabolism system. The salt water flush is a drink consisting of sea salt and warm water that you must drink according to the master cleanse diet guide. Several of my friends also indicated that when consuming the salt water flush they feel a strong urge to go to the bathroom all the time. While the salt water flush is meant as a laxative but I find that it’s too much. The herbal laxative tea is already enough for you to throw away the toxins from your body.

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Adding the salt water flush will just make your body lose more water than it should be. Notice that the salt water flush seems to be pulled by gravity, it takes so little time from my throat to my bottom! The reason must be that my body do not want to digest the salt water flush too much, as it appears to be dangerous. And the taste of the salt water flush makes a lot of people want to vomit. An avid dieter also indicated the same statement in her master cleanse recipe. When I stopped consuming the salt water flush I found myself doing the diet better than ever. I didn’t have to be near bathroom and my activities were not disturbed at all.

By the end of the 7 days diet I experienced significant weight loss. I lost 10 pounds on 7 days diet and my body was feeling healthier than ever. Like something bad had been taken out from my body. Hunger was the most common enemy during the first two days of diet. But by resorting to the lemonade, strangely I found more energies as days went by. If you feel unbearable hunger, then cucumber and papaya are the best choices for your master cleanse diet.