Makeup for Kids: Is It Safe?

Shows like, “Toddlers in Tiaras” have really brought the when-should-little-girls-wear-make-up debate to the forefront. Once a question motivated by the pleas of tiny princesses idolizing mommies, makeup has now become a mainstream trend for kids that can’t even talk yet. I’m not going to lie, while I find this trend absolutely deplorable, on occasion some of those tiny tots look pretty freakin’ adorable. Parents find themselves stuck with the same old concerns about when to let their daughters wear makeup, as well as new thoughts about whether a little dress-up with toddlers is dangerous.

So, most importantly, can makeup be medically dangerous to children?

Starting on a strictly medical basis, many cosmetics contain chemicals that are not safe for adults when you get down to it, let alone children. Parabens, diethanolamine and phtalates, which all may cause cancer, are all found in many cosmetics. Lipstick is well known to contain lead at levels which are not legally regulated. Certain makeup types are actually currently known to have caused lead poisoning in a large number of children including Kohl, which is now banned in the US. Nasty chemical additives aside, old or improperly stored makeup can also grow bacteria which can cause infections, especially in the eyes. As younger children tend to fidget, it’s also far easier to cause eye injuries during application. Finally, as children often have far more sensitive skin and eyes, irritation or allergic reaction is a higher concern.

On a psychological level, when should your child be allowed to wear make-up?

If you seek out chemical free options, avoid eye make-up, and opt for children’s brands-yes, sadly those do exist.-You have to consider the message you’re sending your daughter. When you wear make-up, what do you tell your daughter you’re doing? Many moms answer something along the lines of “getting pretty.” This implies that to be beautiful a girl must wear make-up, an ideal already established and pushed by the media. By allowing make-up use, you too show your child that this is the truth. As a mother, I don’t wear make-up, not just because I’m not a fan, but because I’d like my children to know that they are beautiful just the way they are. We regard make-up like clown paint for Halloween. That clearly, however, is an opinion based answer. Chances are when your daughter becomes a pre-teen, or possibly earlier, she’ll want to wear make-up whether you wore it or not thanks to the general public. You as a parent have to address that and make a decision. How old is old enough is really a relative thing based on your own beliefs. Many cultures put make-up on their children from birth.

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How old do you think is old enough?

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