History of Toys for Tots

Toys For Tots is a non-profit organization dedicated to making sure that all children have a happy and joyful Christmas. The organization’s origins date back to 1947. A Marine Reservist named Bill Hendricks was asked by his wife to find an organization in the Los Angeles area that donated toys to needy children. Diane wished to contribute a homemade Raggedy Ann doll to a needy child. Bill Hendricks was surprised to discover that no such organization existed and this planted the seed that evolved into Toys For Tots. Bill and Diane assembled a small group of Marine Reservists in the Los Angeles area to step in and fill an important need in the community. Their goal was “to bring the joy of Christmas to needy children.” The group collected and distributed toys to 5,000 children in Christmas Eve in 1947.

The Marine Corps were impressed and inspired by what the small group of Marine Reservists accomplished in Los Angeles. As a result, the Marine Corps adopted the Hendricks’ idea and turned it into a national campaign in 1948. Toys For Tots and the U.S. Marine Corps has been intimately related every since Walt Disney added his support as well in 1948 by designing a logo for the organization. The Toys for Tots logo , a three car train with the words “Toys for Tots” written on the sides of the train, has remained the logo to the present day. The three primary symbols of Toys For Tots are Disney’s train logo, a Raggedly Ann, and a Marine in a dress blue uniform.

An additional factor that had a profound impact on the evolution of Toys For Tots was the celebrity factor. Hendricks’s full time job was with Warner Brothers Studio where he worked as the Public Relations Director. Hendricks’ professional connections opened the door for celebrities who helped to promote and turn Toys For Tots into a successful national campaign. Nat King Cole, Peggy Lee, and Vic Damone lent their voices to the theme song. Walt Disney designed the promotional posters and celebrities such as Bob Hope, Doris Day, and John Wayne encouraged the public to become involved. Celebrities continue to lend support to Toys For Tots. Michele Obama became a supporter and volunteer in 2009.

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The Marine Corps supplemented the original “gift-giving” idea the inspired Toys For Tots” with a mentoring program. The Hendricks’ original goal, “to bring the joy of Christmas,” has been maintained but broadened. Child psychologists have shown a direct link between the adverse effects of poverty and child development. Children who grow up in poverty often suffer from low self-esteem, an overall feeling of malaise, hopelessness, and despair. Research also shows that mentoring programs play a vital role in combating the adverse effects of poverty. The Marines, young servicemen and servicewomen, who distribute toys during the holiday season serve as positive role models for children. They serve as concrete examples of success, responsibility, moral character, and discipline.

In 1991 the Marine Corps created a non-profit charity to supplement the Toys For Tots program. This opened the door for major sources of funding from both private and corporate donors. It also helped to raise the public profile of the organization through promotional and distribution materials. In 1996 the Toys for Tots program was expanded to include all fifty states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico. The Toys For Tots Non-Profit Charity Foundation has been the recognized and praised by business and philanthropic groups and organizations such as The Chronicle of Philanthropy and Forbes. In 1995 the Secretary of Defense approved Toys for Tots as an official activity of the U.S. Marine Corps and as an official mission of the U.S Marine Reserve.

