Make Thing to Sell on Ebay

If you have been researching the topic of how to make money on ebay, you have probably read that selling all the stuff around your house is a good place to start. This is true. You can make a decent amount of cash for stuff that would otherwise sit there taking up space.

But what happens when you finally run out of accumulated product? You need to find additional products to sell. Products that will go for a profit. Something that people want and/ or need.

Decent wholesalers arent the easiest thing to find. Many are scams and others wont work with you unless you buy a huge amount of product. Ofcourse you can find legitimate light bulk wholesalers, but these too have there down sides.

Why not make your own products? That way they are original and you can make a good amount of profit if the right idea hits you. I have listed some good ideas that you can use, or may get your creativity flowing and allow you to think of your own product. Lets get started.

CD racks/ DVD racks.

Who doesn’t have a clattered and unogranised collection of CDs and DVDs? People need racks! These are very simple to make. All you need is a bit of know how when it comes to working with power tools and wood, and your local cabinet makers and Joiners warehouse.

You should be able to find a local warehouse that sells directly to the public. You may not get a trade discount, but you’ll only need to spend a few dollars for each one you make. You’re looking for CD/ DVD holders. These are the black plastic things that you see screwed into computer desks etc. Half the work is already done once you have purchased these.

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Now for the sides. Cut a template out of MDF or ply. It can be just a rectangle, but it looks better with a curve in my opinion. Cut two identical sides with your template. Stain/ varnish each. Attach the holders (make sure the thing is square!). Done. They cost very little to make and you can produce many simultaneously if you put a system in place. Try different kinds of wood. Use varnish for a classical appearance or stain it black for a modern finish. Hell, paint a mural on the side if you think it would sell.

Bean bags.

Beanbag popularity is again increasing. They are comfy, and they can be simple and stylish, or totally bazaar. All you need is a pattern, a sowing machine and basic sowing skills. Buy some material and a zip, cut out the pattern, sew it together, close with the zip and stuff it with polystyrene balls. It may take some practice but the cost to make is minimal compared to the profit

Make them out of regular material, imitation fur (or real might even work). You might even find some Disney characters printed on fabric. I doubt you could get sued for making a Mickey bag if he was already on the material. Make toddler size ones. Make 4 seaters. Got advanced sewing skills? Add some armrests.

Postage may be difficult, so you may want to sell unstuffed ones.

Other ideas.

Make signs.

I remember trying to knock off a particular sign down the road when I was younger. I eventually got it too. I still have the old bourbon st. sign somewhere in my keepsakes. Naughty I know, but boys will be boys.

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Why not make some signs? Can you work with steel or wood? Can you paint? You’ll have to find a niche. Maybe you could make custom house name signs? Maybe something like those ‘No parking except…’ signs you see sometimes. You’ll think of something

Make teddies.

Similar to beanbags. Produce some stuffed animals if you have the necessary skills. Cuteness and uniqueness sells (for this type of product, at least).

Make jewelry.

Not exactly original, but I am sure that you could put your own spin on it.

String some pretty beads together, or make Gothic leather and steal accessories.

Information products.

With ebays new laws, you cannot send a product to your customer digitally (as I understand it). That wont stop you from selling your own information products in CD form. Recipes, how to’s, ebooks and related information can turn quite a profit.

I am sure there are a million others, but ill leave you to figure them out. What are your skills? Don’t have any? Then get some! Learn something that interests you and make your own products to sell.

Best-case scenario: you’ll be able to quit your day job.

Worst-case scenario: you will gain a new skill (oh no!).