Make Money on Amazon Selling Books

If you are considering a home-based business and you love books, I have just the idea for you. Selling books on Amazon is one of the easiest ways to make extra cash and work at home. In this article, I explain the advantages of selling books on Amazon to help you decide if this business is right for you.

The advantages for selling books on Amazon are:

1. Amazon has no listing fees (as opposed to other online venues such as eBay). You only pay a commission once the product sells.

2. Amazon does the promotion; you do the selling. When people search for a book on the Internet, they might see ads from Amazon and find your listing.

3. There are a lot of people buying books at Amazon already. Amazon has a good client base.

4. It is easy to list books on Amazon. All you have to do is describe the condition of your book and set your asking price.

There are other venues that you can use to sell your books online, such as:, eBay and others. However, many booksellers find that you can sell more books on Amazon, and for a better price.

Also, there are advantages for selling books, as opposed to some other merchandise:

1. Books are easy to find, and at very low prices. Books are everywhere. They could be in your house. You can find them at thrift stores, garage sales, library sales, and more. You could also get books from your relatives, friends, and acquaintances.

2. Finding what books are selling for is easy too. You can research book prices on the Internet. You can also use your cell phone to check book prices while you’re on the go.

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The first time I started selling books online was during a health crisis. I suffer from neck and back pain; I had to cut down on the number of hours I worked. My wife is a stay-at-home mom; we needed to earn some extra cash. There were many risks involved with investing a lot of money on a business or franchise.

I love books and thought that selling them was a perfect match. I already had an account with Amazon for buying books, and I found out you could use that same account to sell your books. I listed some of my own books on Amazon, and within 2 days I had made some sales.

After seeing the success of our little experiment, my wife and I decided to find out where else we could sell other stuff. We joined eBay, but we did not have the same success. We were not able to make a profit there. Please don’t get me wrong, you can make money on eBay, the difference is that there is too much competition there, and books don’t sell that well there (unless they are collectibles).

When you sell books online, the initial investment you make is very low. You can buy books for less than a dollar at thrift shops. The worse that can happen is that you don’t sell any books; so, you only loose pocket change.

On the other hand, when you have a business on the street, you could make a lot more money in the long run, but you have to spend more money upfront, too; almost always, in those cases, you do not see a return on your investment during the first few months. Selling books as a home-based business is ideal when you do not want to, or can’t, pay for all those expenses at the start.