Make a Professional Looking Poodle Skirt Costume Yourself

If you are looking for an easy costume for any occasion, that you don’t have to be a professional seamstress to make yourself, as well as one that won’t put a hole in your pocket, then consider making a poodle skirt costume. Follow the steps below and before you know it you will have a poodle skirt costume that will impress without making you want to rip your hair out while trying to construct it.

Supplies for Poodle Skirt Costume:
You can find these supplies for the poodle skirt costume at local craft and fabric stores.

Tape Measure
Baby Pink Felt
Sewing Chalk
Sewing Machine or Needle and Thread (Pink Thread)
Self-Adhesive Velcro
Poodle Pattern (
Contrasting Fabric for Poodle
Adhesive Backing
Trim for the Poodle’s Leash
Fabric Glue

Step 1 in Construction of Poodle Skirt Costume: Measurements
Measure the desired length of the skirt, which should fall somewhere between the knee and the ankle of the person who will be wearing it. Measure the waist of the person who will be wearing the skirt. Now add the length measurement and 1/4 of the waist measurement so that you know how much fabric you will need and how long you should cut the piece of string.

Step 2 in Construction of Poodle Skirt Costume: Supplies
For the fabric you will need two pieces of baby pink felt that are twice as long as the new measurement. (Example: If the length needs to be a yard, and the waist measurement is 20″ then you need two rectangles of felt that are 82″ long. And you will also need to cut the piece of string 41″ long.)

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You only need a piece of fabric for the poodle that is large enough to cut out one of the poodle patterns, same goes for the adhesive backing. If you are going to want to embelish the poodle in any way (puff balls for the hair, rhinestone eyes, etc.) make sure to pick up items you need for that as well. (Hint: Try finding a fabric that you like that comes in one of those pre-cut squares of quilting fabric.)

Purchase a piece of trim that is longer than the length of skirt to allow for some looping and such in the leash of the poodle. Rick-rack or a string of sequins is a great option for the leash of the poodle. If you don’t want have to deal with gluing down a trim for the leash of the poodle then consider a little bottle of fabric paint in a neat color or the kind with glitter in it instead.

Step 3 in Construction of Poodle Skirt Costume: Marking it Out
First take the two rectangles of felt and find the center of the long side of each piece of fabric and make a small mark with your sewing chalk.

Hold one end of the string you cut earlier at the edge of the fabric in the center of the long side on the mark that you made in the previous step. On the other end of the string hold the sewing chalk. Pull the string taunt and draw a half-circle following the string from one edge of the fabric around to the other. Repeat on the other piece of felt. Now you should have two half circles drawn on two half two pieces of baby pink felt.

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Now cut the string down to 1/4 of the waist measurement and draw out another half circle, just like you did with the bigger half circle, on each piece of fabric. This should leave you with two half donuts.

Step 4 in Construction of Poodle Skirt Costume: Cutting and Sewing
Now you can cut the inside of the half donuts out and the excess on the outside of the half donut.

Now sew the two half donuts together to form one large whole donut. On one side you are going to sew all the way up the side, on the other you will want to leave three inches as the top (inside of the donut) to attach Velcro so that whoever the skirt is for can get in and out of the skirt.

Step 5 in Construction of Poodle Skirt Costume: Poodle
Now that the main part of the skirt is done, it is time to work on the poodle part of the poodle skirt. Use the pattern at the website I provided above, or any other poodle or dog pattern you want to use. When I had a poodle skirt I had a Scottie at the bottom of my skirt, and it was easier to cut out and attach because the outline wasn’t so intricate, so you may want to take this into consideration.

Before you cut the dog pattern out, attach the adhesive backing to the fabric so that you only have to cut the dog out once, rather than having to cut it out of the fabric and then the backing.

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Follow the directions for the adhesive backing that you purchase to attach the dog to the skirt, you will most likely need an iron.

Now you can either attach a trim leash with fabric clue, or draw a leash on the skirt with fabric paint. The leash should lead from the dog to the top of the skirt.

Like I mentioned before you can add puff ball hair, rhinestone eyes, a rhinestone collar, a bow in its hair, or any other neat little touches you want to make the skirt even more personal.

Step 6 in Construction of Poodle Skirt Costume: The Rest
Now that you have made the skirt all you need is a white button down blouse, a pink or black scarf to go around your neck, white fold over socks, and either saddle shoes or plain white canvas shoes. Voila! Your poodle skirt costume is complete and ready to impress the rest of the party goers.