Main Street Casket Company – a Discount Casket Store

The New Store In Town-

To find success in business, an entrepreneur must create an innovative product or present an old idea in a unique, new way, that’s what the motivational books say; and that’s exactly what Eric Lusain has done with his Main Street Casket Store. He’s recently opened his business as Cincinnati, Ohio’s first direct to the consumer discount casket retailer. He started his business because he hopes to ease the financial burden bereaved families have to endure when they suffer a death in the family. His business is part of a trend that has been growing in recent years.

Eye Catching Inventory-

Lusain’s Main Street Casket Store doesn’t exactly mesh with adjacent Downtown Cincinnati storefronts; but his showroom inventory, full-sized sample caskets lining the walls and visible through the window to pedestrians, is eye-catching in its own way. People stare when they walk by.

Lusain has no problem with the stares. His business has a purpose, to help families save money, an idea he came up with when he had a death in his own family and felt he was being overcharged for services. That led him to the Internet where he found a casket store in nearby Indianapolis, Indiana. He is now a dedicated entrepreneur, committed to bringing similar discount products to the city’s consumers.

How Much?

If you have ever planned a funeral, you may already know it as a process wrought with guilt. When it comes to pricing, few mourners have the courage to ask “how much;” but with burial plots to choose, flowers, music, programs and more, the costs can quickly eat away insurance policy proceeds. Most expensive of all is the casket, which can cost thousands.

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Lusain has no problem telling you “how much.” His casket prices begin at $999. and his average customer saves $2000. He is able to offer deep discounts as he purchases his inventory from a Chinese supplier. According to an article on WCPO.Com, Lusain says bereaved families smile when they realize he will save them thousands of dollars.

A Growing Idea-

Lusain’s Main Street Casket Store is a new idea to Cincinnati, but caskets direct are an up and coming business nationwide. Direct sales for the items are more common than you might imagine. A quick Google search turns up 506,000 casket listings.

Who would imagine buying a casket from Overstock.Com? They sell “The Majestic Mahogany Wood Casket” for $3499.99. offers a variety of caskets with same day or next day shipping. For those who prefer a do it yourself project, Amazon.Com has the “Traditional Austrian Casket Kit” for $895.00, which includes shipping.

Federal Trade Commission Funeral Guidelines-

Walking into a store to select a casket may seem a bit unorthodox at first unless you realize your right to choose a casket is guaranteed by the Federal Trade Commission’s funeral guidelines issued April 30, 1984. Those guidelines guarantee the right to financial details on every aspect of a funeral, including individual prices on items included in lump sum priced “Packages.”

The FTC guidelines also state a funeral provider may not refuse or charge a fee to handle a casket bought elsewhere. Knowing your rights should make it easier to approach the subject of supplying a casket when dealing with a funeral director.

Eric Lusain started his business because he hopes to ease the financial burden bereaved families endure when they suffer a death in the family. His idea is destined to help a lot of families; and his timing, in the midst of a national financial downturn, may serve to make his business an overwhelming success.

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While financial times are bad for many businesses, Lusain says his sales are rising.

Source: WCPO.COM
