Magical Reindeer Dust

Need a quick idea for quick Christmas Eve fun? Magical Reindeer Dust is your answer! For the last four years our family has the tradition of mixing up magical reindeer dust and spreading it about the yard for Santa’s reindeer. This is a simple and fun idea that the children look forward to every year. They know it is the last thing that we do before heading to bed to wait for Santa to come. Let your children enjoy the idea of Magical Reindeer Dust with us!

Now, there are a few ways that you can do this. Please remember that you can tweak this as needed for your family. For making magical reindeer dust, you will need a few simple supplies. You will need ½ cup of oats per child, 1/3 cup of glitter per child, and one heart full of love! At our house, this is never enough. We have a very large yard and the children always want to cover the entire yard! So we get the large containers of glitter and the large container of oatmeal per kid. The above recipe will make about a zip lock bag full.

If you are worried about using glitter for any reason, you can substitute cake sprinkles or colored sugar for the glitter and have it worry free.

Let each child take a bowl and pour in the dry oats. Next let them start sprinkling in their glitter (or sprinkles) and mixing it in. To make this more fun, you can pick out several different colors of glitter and make it more colorful. Take your hand and mix the glitter into the oats. When you use your hand to mix this, it allows the love to come into the mixture. After you have mixed your glitter into your oats, you can then put your magical reindeer dust into a small zip lock bag to carry outside.

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Now here is your fun choice about what to do with the magical reindeer dust. You can take this and sprinkle it about your entire yard, you can sprinkle it on the driveway, or you can sprinkle it on the porch.

If you are wondering what makes magical reindeer dust work, let me tell you!

When the reindeer are flying Santa around to deliver presents to all the boys and girls, his reindeer see the glitter or sprinkles and want to stop and see what that is! When they stop and see what that is, they want to stay and eat the oats that you have left for them. While they are grazing on the oats that you have left for them, Santa is dropping off your presents. Parents, this can make a great idea for preschools or classes at church. You can make this into a festive bag and look online to find a poem about the magical reindeer dust to tell other children what to do with it. I hope your family can have fun with magical reindeer dust like we do.