Magic Kits Make the Perfect Gift

During the Holiday season the main concern of many people is what gifts they want to purchase for there loved ones, some even spend all day hopping from store to store find that perfect present. It’s pretty easy to get something for your older Nephews or children, but it’s get difficult when choosing something unique for the younger ones. The main goal of grandparent and parents alike is getting that gift that transcends every Christmas and places you at the top of there list, nothing better than being the favorite Aunt or Uncle. You could do what every other shopper is and get them a video game or console, but that’s not you, you want to be original. When buying presents for the younger crowd I would suggest something unique. A magic kit would be the perfect gift in my opinion. I guarantee they will remember you after purchasing this extravagant gift, and how cute would it be to see them in there little cape trying to entertain you Christmas morning. Another bright side to this is the fact that this gift can be given not only to your nephew but niece also, they both can enjoy this gift together or you can get one for each, it’s really up to you. I would suggest giving them different sets, like for instance give the younger sibling a kit fir beginners while gifting the older one with a more advanced set. This would also be wise on your part cause I am pretty sure the more advanced set would have small pieces, these pieces could become a choking hazard to many toddlers.

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Like I previously stated, there are many magic kits to choose, from Beginners to Advanced. The age limit for these kits is usually like this, the set for Beginner’s is sometimes 5-8 years old while the more Advanced kits age limit is usually 7-12. The Beginner kits include many things, what you usually will find in these products are capes, gloves and a hat, this is perfect for the younger ones. These kits also sometimes include mirrors in the package, the purpose of this item is to build up the confidence of your future Magician, practicing in front of a mirror usually does this. They also are known to place a magic wands in these kits for your little magician, and not only that but magic cards are also usually present in the box.

As far as the advanced kits go they are definitely different, these kits are known to carry a variety of tricks, and unlike the Beginner versions they mainly carry instructions. The dress-up part of the younger version’s are not present, these are replaced with complicated tricks that require practice to master. Some of the most expensive kits are even known to carry Interactive DVD’s, these CD’s are known to carry a variety of information from the History to magic to step by step tutorials. The main trick that the advanced Kits carry that the Beginner versions don’t is the “Three rings”, you probably seen this trick before on your favorite Network somewhere.

So when it comes to buying a magic kit for your Niece or Nephew it all depends on the age, but since many products carry age limits it should not be such a difficult decision. From the Beginner to the advance levels you can choose accordingly, there are even adult versions for the teenager’s in your life, but I doubt they will even open the box. So make your younger ones love you more, go out and stuff there stockings with a magic kit.