Lower Prices on Prescription Drugs: Target Pharmacy Vs. Wal-Mart Pharmacy

For years, many have been comparing Target to Wal-Mart to see who gives the better deal. This article till take a look a the prescription drug plans and see who offers the better prices. After taking the time to speak to pharmacists at both Wal-Mart and Target in my area, I found the following information. Remember that how much money you end up spending at either pharmacy can depend on your current medical prescription plan and where you live. You should also keep in mind that some prescriptions do not have generic brands available.

When it comes to general customer service, I would have to say they were very nice and helpful. When it comes to their prescriptions, they did say that a lot of people choose the generic brands over the regular brands due to the huge difference in price. Especially since both Wal-Mart and Target currently have the $4 drug plan for more than 300 generic brands of drugs. Following are some of the most common prescriptions filled at Target’s pharmacy and at Wal-Mart’s pharmacy.

The first one is Amoxil, better known under the generic name as amoxicillin. This is basically an antibiotic that is used to fight bacterial infections. The average price for 30, 250-milligram capsules is about $40 for the name brand. If you choose the generic version you will only be paying the $4 price at both Wal-Mart and Target.

Another commonly prescribed medication is Zocor. Zocor is a cholesterol-lowering drug, but you will be surprised to know that at both of the pharmacy I went to, the generic version called simvastatin is not covered under the $4 prescription plan. This means that you would have to pay the regular price for generic version which is about $140 and the price of the non-generic version is about $170. Of course these prices can vary depending on location and of course your prescription so make sure you check with your local pharmacy.

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What they did have was Lovastatin and Pravastatin, which are also used to help lower cholesterol and are available under the $4 prescription plan at both locations.

Lipitor is also commonly used for lowering cholesterol. The price of Lipitor at Target Pharmacy for 30, 20-milligram tablets was about $114.99. The price at Wal-Mart Pharmacy’s is about the save but a few dollars less. The generic version would cost you half of that about $54.49. Once again, it is important to point out than prices can be different at various locations, and depending on what type of drug plan you currently use.

Zofran is another commonly prescribed medication that is used to help prevent nausea and vomiting. The average cost of Zofran at Wal-Mart is about $87.68 for 30 tablets and when compared with Target’s $89. If you ask the pharmacist for a generic brand or similar generic version that will check the $4 list that is available for both Wal-Mart and Target to see what is covered under the $4 plan. Make sure that you take the time to ask about a cheaper version so that they will check the list.

Celebrex is also very commonly prescribed to treat arthritis pain. The average price of celebrex for 60 capsules at 100 milligrams at Wal-Mart and Target is about $108.88. You will find several alternatives under the $4 prescription plan that will help with arthritis Pain. Such as Ibuprofen which can be given in 400 milligrams, 600 milligrams, and 800 milligrams.

Listed above are seven of the most commonly prescribed medications at both Wal-Mart and Target. The $4 prescription plans they offer are great as long as the medication that you need is on the list. After speaking with pharmacists at both about the information above, I would still have to say that Target has the friendlier staff. At least this is the case in my area. Since that is the case you will see a lot more seniors at the local Target getting their prescription filled than you will at Wal-Mart. Seniors need people that are patient when helping them to get what they need. Patience is one thing than the Wal-Mart pharmacy just did not have.

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One again I feel the need to point out that it really depends on your location and your own prescription plan that you are working with. The best thing to does take the time to call around to find out how much your prescription will cost you before you get it filled. Especially if this is a prescription that you will need to fill on a regular basis, every penny counts. When you get to the pharmacy don’t be afraid to ask plenty of questions including whether or not your prescription is on the $4 list at both locations.
