Look Tall with Shoe Lifts

Many people want to be tall or taller. It’s no secret that many men, and women, wish to be taller; especially men. Women easily achieve this with high heeled women’s shoes, but men don’t have this option for appearing tall with men’s shoes — unless they insert shoe lifts. Though some men’s shoes come with built-in shoe lifts.

Shoe lifts will create the illusion you are taller without it showing, as in high heels. Some shoe lifts slip right in the shoe, while others have an adhesive. A lot of men and women do wish to be taller; even some tall people would like a little more height. Being tall has been proven to be a great asset in the business world, and an extra inch can make a difference.

I recently purchased shoe lifts online, even though I am considered tall, at 5-8. I’d rather appear to be a natural 5-9 if I can accomplish this with shoe lifts inside my sneakers. Some shoe lift companies offer deals where you save by buying three shoe lifts at a time, and the shoe lift heights range from one-quarter inch to two inches or slightly more than two inches.

I ordered three pairs and got a fourth pair free: one quarter inch, one inch, one and a quarter inch, and then the free one at one and a half inch.

The quarter inch was for my four-inch heel pump shoes, but these are generic shoe lifts and thus they do not fit into the women’s shoe pump design. The inch and a half shoe lifts were for my dress boots, but with the shoe lift inside the boot, I am unable to zip the boot up. An inch and a half may not seem like a lot, but this is too high for a regular shoe or sneaker; your heel will be practically sticking out of the shoe and every time you walk, you’ll struggle to keep the shoe on. It will also be obvious you have a shoe lift.

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I can zip my boots up with the inch and a quarter lift.

And the inch lift go inside my sneakers. The inch and a quarter leave my heel more noticeable than it should be, and it feels like the sneaker will slip off with each step.

They are comfortable; not hard as wood, but not soft enough to lose height from your body weight. So if you wish to be taller, buy shoe lifts. They aren’t cheap, either, but investigate the various package deals.

If you’re wondering why a 5-8 woman would want shoe lifts, I’ve always wanted to be taller. In fact, why does ANY woman wear high heels? Certainly not for comfort. It’s for fashion and looks, and being taller is a part of that for many women. Many stylish women’s shoes just happen to have a 3 or 4 inch heel, but some high heeled women’s shoes are also very plain looking, so when women buy these, one has to believe that often, it’s because the woman wants to look taller.

But the increased height looks artificial because the heels are visible. A shoe lift solves this problem, though the lift height is limited. A woman, even at 5-8, who wants to appear taller and thus uses shoe lifts, is operating under the same mindset as a woman who colors her hair, wears artificial long nails, spends 20 minutes applying eyeliner and mascara to each eye, paints her lips an artificial color, puts extensions in her hair, etc. It’s all about fashion accessories, and shoe lifts can be part of this.