Longview Public Library, Longview, WA

Description & History – The Longview Public Library in Longview, Washington, is an attractive and dignified building in the heart of the town. The building, dedicated in 1926, was designed in the Georgian architectural style by Arch Torbitt, and the updating and additions of 1953 did not detract from the original style.

The library was a gift to Longview by its founder and visionary, Robert A. Long, of the Long-Bell Lumber Company. The library is fully contemporary with new books introduced continuously and new library and research technologies added as they become available. The attractive facility, friendly and helpful staff, and excellent selection of books and other materials make Longview Public Library a successful and popular part of the heart of Longview.

Personal Experience – People who frequent libraries form a relationship with them that is personally felt. While I now live near Chattanooga in Tennessee, I consider Longview, Washington, a second home and lived there for about five years. I felt a very close affinity to the building, the staff and the materials and equipment I used. I have frequented libraries in any town where I have stayed for any length of time, but, Longview, Washington’s Public Library remains one of my top favorites.

I remember the slight thrill of anticipation I felt the first time I walked up the sidewalk and short flights of stairs to the front entrance. I am a fan of Georgian architecture and was impressed with the building’s stately appearance. I walked in the front doors and found I was in a lovely foyer with a reading room to my left and in front of me another short flight of stairs to the main desk and main floor of the library.

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Past the front desks the large, first floor room is open and the ceiling rises two stories high above it. To the left, an elevator will take people to the loft-like second floor that looks over the main room, or down to the basement where the children’s books, and the audio-visual media are located.

The basement was popular for me and is popular for many Longview residents. The DVD lending collection is extensive and ever growing. The main room has a large sitting area with works of local artists displayed on the walls. For rotating intervals, particular local artists are featured. I was always looking forward to studying new works and learning about the artists.

I can only guess at what makes the library so particularly special to me, but I have so many great memories. The staff was warm and helpful to me from the start and I began to look at them as friends. I looked forward to seeing them when I came in to the library. I got my first map of Longview at the front desk and read the paper in the reading room to acquaint myself with the town. I found books for classes I took at Lower Columbia College while I was there. I found endless books to read and enjoyed the DVDs and audio materials. I used the computers before I got internet service hooked up in my apartment. I came with my friends and their children and I enjoyed reading books to the children that they had selected.

Looking Ahead – As every place and life, itself, does, Longview Library changes. Future plans for more extensive building and updating of technologies are planned. Many people on the staff have been there for years, but when some move on, others are added. New, current and updated books, materials and equipment come in to replace outdated items. Still, the heart and spirit carries on in the dignified building at the center of Longview, Washington. www.longviewlibrary.org/