Liver Flushing: A Great Way to Rid Yourself of Common Ailments

What is Liver Flushing?

Liver flushing, sometimes known as gallbladder flushing or liver cleansing, involves drinking a concoction of various liquids, not limited to but including: Epsom salts, grapefruit juice, olive oil, etc. Liver flushing is a wonderful way to improve your health. There is no pain involved, and is a very cheap and easy alternative cure to many ailments. Many traditional physicians don’t believe in or agree with liver flushing, but alternative doctors swear by it as a major way of promoting natural healing in the body.

Liver flushing works by causing the liver (and gallbladder) to purge its contents. These contents include parasites, stagnate bile, toxins, and especially gallstones. Gallstones are composed of cholesterol which has collected in the body. When the liver and gallbladder, which are connected by the bile duct, contain large amounts of toxins, gallstones, etc., it can cause a person to experience a host of symptoms ranging from diarrhea, to nausea to sharp pain after consumption of fatty foods. Doctors usually treat severe gallstone problems by surgically removing the organ. This is not only unnecessary, but can also cause permanent problems. Without a gallbladder, nearly everything that you eat is likely to cause nausea, fatigue and possibly diarrhea. These are the exact same symptoms of gallbladder disease, so instead of having the important organ removed only to suffer from identical symptoms after having major surgery, why not keep your gallbladder and simply remove the gallstones yourself?

Is There Proof That Gallstones No Longer Exist Following a Flush?

A female patient, whose name is withheld, suffered from chronic gallbladder attacks and after she had a cat scan of their abdomen done and the doctor was able to see very visible gallstones, she instead of choosing to have the organ immediately removed, requested that the doctor schedule the surgery, called a cholecystectomy, a week later. The patient then went home and proceeded to flush her liver/gallbladder, and after completing it, went back to the doctor and insisted on a second cat scan, which showed no gallstones. Of course the doctor was astonished, just as most doctors would be. Even with cold, hard proof right in front of their faces, many physicians still don’t believe that such an easy and painless at-home procedure could possibly expel those dreaded gallstones from the body. Besides, surgeons make a living by performing surgeries, so most will do as many as they possibly can in order to fatten their bank accounts. Many patients have gone as far as collecting the stones in a jar and showing them to the doctor, and even sometimes sending them off to a laboratory to have them examined to see exactly what they consist of.

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What Kinds of Ailments Can Liver Flushing Help?

Allergies –

Many people suffer from allergies. According to the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (AAAI), allergy diseases are the leading cause of chronic disease in the United States. This means that a large number of individuals suffer from the sneezing, congestion, sinusitis, itchy eyes, and other symptoms associated with allergies, yet they don’t have to. By flushing poisons, parasites, and other trash that harbors in the liver or gallbladder, individuals give their body the opportunity to focus more on healing and controlling allergies instead of being bogged down with a massive amount of impurities.

Acne –

Many people think that only teens suffer from acne, but this is a total misconception. Acne can occur at any stage of a person’s life. This condition can come about when a person’s body and liver/gallbladder contain too many poisons. Acne is simply these impurities trying to escape from the body through the largest organ, the skin. After flushing the liver and properly purging the body of all these unhealthy toxins, acne should clear up fairly quickly, within a matter of days.

Weight loss

No matter what a person consumes, it’s ultimately up the liver to determine if a person will lose weight or not. The liver is the organ that must filter out all of the toxins that we put into our bodies on a daily basis, either by mouth, through the skin, or by inhalation. A dirty, congested liver may be too ‘sick’ to properly burn fat, which in turn will cause a person to gain weight or either fail to lose any. The American Obesity Association states: Obesity is a complex, multi-factorial chronic disease involving environmental (social and cultural), genetic, physiologic, metabolic, behavioral and psychological components. It is the second leading cause of preventable death in the U.S. Since this is true, then wouldn’t it make sense to prevent yourself from being a statistic by being overweight or obese? A clean liver will work optimally, enabling a person to lose as much weight as they need to.

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Gall bladder attacks –

This is probably one of the main reasons that a person would choose to do a liver flush, although obviously not the only reason. Just like the patient who had a cat scan before and after a flush which proved that the flush was successful, that can be you, too! Just have a little faith in your body and its ability to heal itself naturally, with a little assistance.

How Do I Do a Liver/Gallbladder Flush?

Below are three popular liver flushing recipes which you can tweak slightly to better meet your own personal tastes. Most people consider Hulda Clark’s to by far be the easiest flush to do, but each person has their own personal preferences. If you would like to research liver flushing further and possibly find more recipes, a good place to start is: You will be able to read about others’ personal experiences with liver flushing, view photos and post your own questions, comments, and experiences. – Hulda Clark’s recipe- – Dr. William Donald Kelley’s recipe – – Classic Coke recipe –

Liver flushing can cure a host of other illnesses, not limited to the conditions discussed in this article. One thing about liver flushing, though, is that you can’t do it once and expect to be miraculously healed. A healthy diet complete with plenty of fruits, vegetables, nuts, lean, antibiotic-free meat, free-range eggs and plenty of pure water needs to be consumed on a regular basis. If your diet consists of fatty, unhealthy foods, junk food and high calories foods, then you will replace the gallstones as quickly as you get rid of them, and this would defeat the purpose of liver flushing. Also, several liver flushes will need to be completed, about once every two weeks to one month. If you are faithful to a good eating plan and perform regular liver flushes, you are guaranteed to soon notice a great improvement in your health, whether it’s more stamina and energy, improved eyesight, weight loss, or some other notable improvement.

See also  Gallstone Symptoms
