Listerine Agent Cool Blue Plaque Detecting Rinse Mouthwash: A Review

For years, adults have turned to mouthwash to help them get a cleaner mouth. They may have been worried about the germs and bacteria, or they may have simply wanted fresh breath. But most adults never considered mouthwash for their kids. And even if the kids did have the mouthwash, extra care had to be taken to ensure that they would not swallow it. Mouthwash companies have recently begun marketing mouthwash for kids. These products give the kids all the benefits that adults receive from using mouthwash, but as in the case of “Listerine Agent Cool Blue” mouthwash, the children’s versions may have other benefits.

First, the Listerine Agent Cool Blue Mouthwash features a specially designed top that makes measuring the correct amount easy. It is similar to a bar optic that measures drinks, but this is built right into the top of the bottle. When you squeeze the side, the mouthwash fills the top. If you squeeze too much into the top, it drains back into the bottle through holes. But because of the location of the holes, everything below them remains in the top of the bottle. Then you pour this into a cup and have the child swish it back and forth in their mouth. It is really a great feature, and I’m impressed that they considered such a small detail.

Kids will love the flavor. It comes in Bubble Blast or Glacier Mint. My children chose the Bubble Blast flavor, and they can’t wait for every night when they get to use it. I still watch them to make sure they are spitting it out afterwards. I am not as worried as I would be if they were using an adult mouthwash, because it does not contain alcohol, but it is still something that must be followed.

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The best and most unique feature of this mouthwash is that it places a light blue tint on the areas where plaque is building up. It’s similar to those tablets that dentists used in the past that turn plaque covered areas bright pink, only it’s a much lighter version and washes away much more easily. With this mouthwash, I saw an area on my daughter’s teeth where she was developing a cavity, and we were able to take her in before it became a big problem. I also saw that my kids are not brushing along their gum lines or flossing well enough. Now that I know this, I can help them correct that so that they will have beautiful teeth for the rest of their lives.

The price is certainly reasonable. I have seen it for sale between $3.50 and $6.50, but considering the dental bills that I would have if I had not discovered my children’s problem areas, it is a bargain at any price.

Now children can have the same fresh, clean mouths that their parents have, and it’s with a product they actually enjoy using. The Listerine Agent Cool Blue Mouthwash is a must have product for any household with children.