Alternative Uses for Listerine

Listerine is most well known as a mouthwash that is used to ward off bad breath, gum disease and plaque. What you may not know is there are alternative uses for Listerine. While the FDA does not necessarily approve of these uses, as Listerine is only intended to be used as a mouthwash, there are many people who still have alternative uses for Listerine. Here, we will take a much closer look at some of the alternative uses for Listerine that you may want to consider for yourself.

Listerine Used for Cleaning Purposes

Listerine was originally marketed as a toilet cleaner and at some point, a floor cleaner. Many people still find that nothing seems to work better on the floors or toilets than Listerine. Of course, the major disadvantage of using Listerine as a cleaner is the fact that it tends to be a bit pricier than most cleaners on the market. If you ever find yourself in a rut and in need of toilet or floor cleaner, however, you may want to give further consideration to using some Listerine.

Listerine Used for Rashes

There are many people who believe that Listerine can help with their skin problems. Certain types of rashes, such as those which have been caused by poison ivy or sumac, are known to be cleared up with the use of Listerine. Mosquito bites are known to itch less and go away quicker when you apply Listerine to them. Some people even claim that Listerine has cleared up their problems with acne. If you have a certain skin problem that you may want to try to clear up, you may want to think about applying Listerine to it.

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Listerine Used for Fungal Infections

This one sort of goes hand in hand with Listerine being used to cure rashes. Listerine is also used in order to help cure fungal infections. Some of the different types of conditions, all of which are fungal related, that Listerine is known to take care of include athlete’s foot, jock itch, and fungal infections of the nails. If you believe that you have a fungal infection that will not seem to go away, you really may want to consider applying Listerine to the area of skin.

Listerine Used to Take Care of Odors

The most well known thing that Listerine has been used to treat is, of course, halitosis – or bad breath. There are a number of different types of bad odors which Listerine is known to treat.. For example, if you have “stinky feet,” you may want to consider rinsing your feet with Listerine daily. Others have also claimed that it has worked in their underarm areas. If you have a body odor that you really want to eliminate, you should definitely try using Listerine to cure it. You never know what type of results you may end up getting.

Listerine Used for Skin Softness

Although this one is a bit controversial, there are many people who believe that Listerine is really great for softening up tough skin. You really may want to consider giving Listerine a try if you want softer skin on your hands, elbows, knees or anywhere else on the body, for that matter. There are some people who feel that Listerine will actually do just the opposite, of course. Trying it out to see what will work for you is probably your best option.

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Listerine Used for Dandruff

It is widely believed that Listerine can be used to clear up Dandruff. All that you need to do is apply it to your scalp, the same way that you would shampoo, and rinse. Many claim to see noticeable results after one to two washings. Aside from dandruff, there are also many people who say that Listerine helps with their psoriasis problems. If you experience either dandruff or psoriasis, you probably are willing to try just about anything to cure it – so you may want to give further consideration to trying out Listerine.

Regardless of how the FDA may feel about it, there are many people who swear that Listerine works for all of these alternative uses. If any of these things are problems for you, it is important for you to know that Listerine just may be able to solve them.