Linkshare Affiliate Program: Monetize Your Site

Linkshare Affiliate Program is the very first Affiliate Company I signed up for. It was highly recommended to me, and so I decided to check it out! Affiliate sites allow bloggers or web masters to sell products from companies on the Affiliate site, and to earn a percentage of the profit for every sell that came from their site.

I recently had success with this program, which is probably why I’m writing about it now. You can read it by click here: Affiliate Selling: Monetize Your Blog

That was my Affiliate success story, and tips and tricks to make as much money from your Affiliate Campaigns as possible. This article will be informative, for those who either don’t know what affiliates are, want to know how to sign up, or just want to learn more about the

Affiliate programs can be a very profitable for a blogger, web designer, web marketer or website owner. In short, you sign up with a particular Affiliate program (Companies,) they approve your website or blog, and you place links on your website or blog. is a popular Affiliate Program and it has been a very honest and easy site for me to work with, personally. The process is pretty simple:

1. Fill in your website or blog information-Name, URL, Description, Category, etc.

2. Get approved…Right away!

3. You can now search the entire Linkshare Affiliate website for companies that are relevant to your site. If you know a company you want to apply to be an affiliate for, you can type it into the search box and check to see if LinkShare represents them. You can also search by category, like home and garden, computers, telecommunications, travel, Gifts and Flowers, Games and more.

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Their clients range from Wal-Mart to Tiger Direct to Apple to iMAC to Sony to Fairfield resorts. They represent some pretty big companies.

4. Apply for the companies with one click, and you will either be accepted automatically into the program, or you will have to wait until they review your website or blog and approve you. A lot of the companies approve right away: Tiger Direct and iMAC just to name a few.

5. Now you can create links from those companies and start making money right away! They will offer you banner advertisemenst, textual links, E-Mail links, Individual product links and some offer dynamic search boxes or flash banners!

Now that you’ve got the links live, and you’re ready to start bringing in the cash, your big question is, How and When do I get paid?

Each individual company pays at different times, sometimes once every two weeks or once a month. But, you actually get PAID by Linkshare. You also get to choose your payout rate. This could be $5 or $500, it’s up to you! Once you’ve reached that payout rate, you get sent a check for the money you’ve earned.

Click here to become a LinkShare Affiliate!


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