How to Make Money with Free Blog Templates

Charge a Fee for Unlimited Access to Blog Templates
Instead of listing your all of the free blog templates you designed, display a small portion for all visitors. Charge a membership free that can be purchased by bloggers who want unlimited access to your website. These memberships can be offered at monthly or annual levels, allowing you to make money with free blog templates. At least 80% of your free blog templates should be kept in a section of the website that requires a username or password to access this content. Memberships can be an easy way to make money with free blog templates without freelancing to individual clients.

A membership for unlimited designs also gives bloggers a less expensive way to get premium blog templates. Bloggers who are working with a low budget are likely to opt for your cheaper membership than $300 and up fees charged by web designers. Provide a wide range of free blog templates that vary in color schemes, columns and layouts. Listing free blog templates for different blogging platforms will also help to attract more paid memberships. Design free blog templates for Blogger, WordPress and Typead blogs to make sure that design options are not limited to specific bloggers.

Charge a Fee for Installation Services
Many bloggers welcome the idea of a new design using free blog templates but have trouble installing them onto their blog. These bloggers either do not have the time, patience or technical skills to install a new design. This presents an opportunity to make money with free blog templates by installing your designs for website visitors. Charge an installation fee to bloggers who use your free blog templates. The fee should be affordable to the average blogger but high enough to compensate you properly for your time. You can even have two different price levels to provide paid members or website subscribers with a cheaper installation service.

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Sell Third Party Blog Services Using Banner Ads
All bloggers do not use free blog hosting platforms, which gives web designers another way to make money with free blog templates. Attract bloggers to your website by providing fresh blog designs and sell them premium services like domains and blog hosting accounts. Sign up with your favorite web host providers as an affiliate and place their advertisements and links around your website. You will get a percentage of each domain or hosting purchase, which is an easy way to make money with free blog templates. Affiliate sales can add up over time, especially if you focus on one or two specific hosting companies instead of having dozens of banners.

Monetize Your Search Engine
Some bloggers are looking for a certain aesthetic when redesigning their blog. Web designers who provide free blog templates can position themselves to make money when visitors search their website. Setup a custom search engine with Google or a company that pays you when someone uses their search engine. Install the search engine on your website and test it to make sure that results are accurate. You will get paid every time bloggers search for items such as “two column WordPress blog templates” and other related searches and they click on ads.