Lesser Known Pregnancy Symptoms

When a woman becomes pregnant one of the first steps is to research all the symptoms that one may experience. There a vast amount of resources both online and offline available that describes the most common symptoms of pregnancy. More difficult to find are the more obscure symptoms that woman experience. This article will help describe the symptoms that one may experience that are less known. Hopefully, you will realize you are not alone and have ways of combating those symptoms. Remember every pregnancy is unique so you may or may not experience these symptoms.

Increase Gagging reflex
One of the first signs that some woman actually experience is an increase in their gagging reflex. You may notice when you are eating something cheesy like a slice of pizza you have a difficult time swallowing. Or, you are brushing your teeth in the morning and you are gagging from the toothpaste. During my pregnancies I immediately switched to a child bubblegum toothpaste and used a child size toothbrush. Some also find relief brushing their teeth with warm water and not cold. This minimized the gagging feeling. These symptoms are strongest in the first and second trimester and seem to subside in the third.

Increase Nasal Stuffiness and Post Nasal Drip
It is possible that the increase in pregnancy hormones can lead to an increase in nose stuffiness and post nasal drip. During my three pregnancies I instantly had constant nasal drip throughout the day and throughout the entire pregnancy. This also led to the increase in the gagging the reflex.

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Nasal saline solution may help in reducing this symptom and is safe to use while pregnant since it is just salt water. There may be something that your doctor can prescribe to minimize the congestion and nasal drip. Clearing my throat in my morning shower helped tremendously because of the warm, moist steam.

Skin Changes
Not every women is radiant and glowing when they are pregnant. If you do not fall into this category you might think something is completely wrong. However, many woman experience adverse skin changes during pregnancy including and increase in acne, sweating and pigment changes. Some women experience an increase in skin tags, rashes and spots and spider veins.

Food Aversions and an Increase in Your Olfactory Senses
Many women mention nausea or morning sickness as their first sign of pregnancy. However, one of the earliest sign of pregnancy that some experience is also an increase in their olfactory senses and food aversions. Many smells are stronger to you and it may make you feel sick to your stomach. You find it very difficult to find a food that is appetizing and what may one day be a satisfying or bearable food may be unappetizing the next. Each day may lead to a sampling of foods that you may or may not be able to eat. For me, I did not have food cravings, I had constant food aversions. Asking for watermelon in the middle of the night was not because I was craving it; it was because I found something that was bearable.

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When I became pregnant for the first time I became overwhelmed with the amount of ever changing symptoms that I experienced. Hopefully, if you experience any of the mentioned symptoms you will realize you are not alone and it will not last forever.