Less Expensive Dandruff Shampoo Beats Expensive Brands


I like to save money and cut costs when I can; however there are some things that I will never scrimp on – – chocolate and bed linens. Cheap chocolate is never as good and there is nothing like 400-count thread sheets. With everything else in my life, I am also looking for a bargain, coupon, deal or special to save money. My household budget revolves around how I can save money and cut costs to put more into savings. We are also trying to pay down debt so any time I can save money I put the extra savings toward paying down our debt.

Unfortunately, I have to fight with dandruff because I have very oily skin (advantage is I will not wrinkle as fast as someone with dry skin will). I have tried almost every dandruff shampoo on the market trying to find a solution to my dandruff. Doctors have suggested medicated shampoos but those are very costly. One specific dandruff shampoo my doctor suggested cost $20 for a small bottle. The other problem is the less expensive brand name dandruff shampoos are not very kind to my color treated hair (they strip the color faster meaning I spend more money on my color treatments).

After trying at least a dozen expensive dandruff shampoos, including some high-end shampoos with tea tree oil, I finally became frustrated last month. While standing in the shampoo aisle, I noticed that Suave has a new dandruff shampoo. At $3.00 for a 14.5-ounce bottle of shampoo, this was a fantastic bargain especially when compared to my other dandruff shampoos. I was skeptical that something so inexpensive could actually work when all of the medicated dandruff shampoos worked; however, I decided to try it.

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I purchased both the shampoo and conditioner while wondering if the coconut and Shea butter would be too heavy for my hair. After using Suave Nourishing Coconut & Shea Butter Anti-Dandruff shampoo and conditioner, all of my dandruff was gone. I had no flakes and no itching. My hair did not look as oily and it had a great shine. My hair looked healthy.

It has been over a month and my hair has not looked this good since I was a teenager. I have not seen any flakes in weeks. The best part is I still have over half of the shampoo and conditioner left after a month of using it. It only takes a very small amount of the shampoo to generate a lot of lather so even with washing and repeating each time I shampoo my hair I still do not use very much of the product. It is also gentle enough to use with my color-treated hair.

I am thrilled to find a product that controls my dandruff, makes my hair look great and only costs me pennies per use. I am thrilled that the cheaper dandruff shampoo won I just wish I had found it sooner.