Learn the Secrets to Making Legit Money Online

Are you tired of not being able to make money online? Are you tired of all the scams and false promises out there? I am! It seems everyone you look online, people are trying to sell info. It seems all these place are really scam artists taking our money. I have even heard horror stories online of people being robbed out thousands of dollars. One case was of a woman that sent 3 thousand dollars to someone just to get an online job! There are many tricks and crooked schemes out there in cyber space. And not many people can be trusted

But what can be do? I know you all want to find some good ways to make money online and or find legit work at home jobs. Well I am here to help you all. I have been making money online with many different programs. These are all free of charge and you don’t have to pay any money to start. In fact I don’t think anyone should pay money for a job! If someone asks you for money to get a job, just remember they are all scams! I will discuss the best and easiest way to make online income and strategies to make the most money possible. I will also talk about a list some of the best online jobs sites that are legit! That’s right, no fees or false promises. Just legit work from home. You can apply and start work and get paid by the hour. Does this sound good to you? Well let’s get started and talk about some of the best money making tactics and programs online today.

One of the best ways to make some fast money online is paid to post forums. These are great forums where they pay you anywhere from 1-10 cents per post. Each forum pays you a different amount of money, but they all pay. I have personally gotten paid from these forums myself. I will never list scams or fake companies in my reviews. That is something I promise. One of the best forums for making money online is called Mylot. One this forum you get paid every time you start a topic, or reply to one. You also get paid each time you comment on a topic. You can also make lots of money by posting images to your interests sections. You can either post images you took, or get free ones on the net. The money adds up fast with uploading images. You also get paid when you add an image to a discussion. You might wonder how they can afford to pay us? Well that is easy. They have over 45,000 members now, and they are growing everyday. They get money from google adsense adverting on their site. This allows them to pay all the members. If you are interested in joining mylot go to this link and sign up. http://www.mylot.com/?ref=NeoComp It’s free and an easy way for anyone to make money online. They send your money through paypal. Now let’s move on to cashposting.com. This is also a pretty good forum as well. They pay 1 cent per post. And I cent per topic. They have been around for a while and they are a great place to make some good money. They have a 10 dollar minimum payout. And you can get paid through paypal. Here is the link to sign up at cashposting forums: http://CashPosting.com/profile.php?mode=register&refer;_id=5549
There were a couple of other paid to post forums I was a part of. But they never paid me. So I won’t list them here. Although they paid others in the past. They refused to pay me, because I had bad rep. In either case I will only post the forums that are the best and pay all the time.

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Another way to make some good money online is advertising. You need to have a website or blog to put ads on your site. I will talk about some different ones and how to make money with them. I will also go over some tactics to really cash in with these companies. Well Most ad companies allow you to put your ads on as many pages and websites. One way to make tons of money is to make lots of websites. Then get lots of traffic to them. You can do this by promoting your sites in forums, or myspace.com. You can also use auto surf program to advertising your sites. It’s a free and easy way to promote your sites. I will write another article in the future explain what auto surfs are and how they work, where to sign up. The best type of ads are CPM ads. CPM means you get paid per every 1,000 impressions. An impression means every VIEW the ad gets. This means no one has to click or buy anything using that banner. They simply have to see the ad. And that is easy money. I think it’s good to use google adsense and put the setting on images only. I say this because you get a good CPM rate for the image ads. But text ads only pay you if you get clicks. You can also sign up for free and easy ad networks. One of my favorite is advertising pages. The great thing about them is that you don’t need to have a domain name. You can use free hosting and your site does not need a certain amount of traffic per month. So this means anyone can join. They make payments every month through Pay Pal. And there is not minimum payout. This is also good because other ad companies have a 50 dollar and up payout. So even if all you make is 1 dollar in the month you get the dollar sent to you paypal account! To sign up for advertising pages go to this link: http://advertising-page.com/index.php?id=3111. Another great thing about this program is you don’t even need to have a website! You get your own page you can advertise and get when people see the site. You can also put the site into many auto surfs and make tons of money everyday! Just for sitting back and watching. Now this all takes some time and work to set up. But once It’s setup you are ready to go and make some money. This method can be used with google adsense and other CPM networks. If you combine all these ads with lots of sites and auto surfs, you can make some serious money. You can also promote your sites on websites and other places. Just be creative and remember skies the limit!

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Now I am going to talk about legit online jobs. The bests jobs are web designer, HTML coders, data entry jobs. I will list all the type of jobs there are online and how to get them. These will all be legit and require no fees at all! Remember if you have to pay for a job it’s most likely a scam. You can get a good job doing Research & Ad Testing. There are also Sales and Customer Service jobs. You can also get a job in Data Entry or as a writer. In fact it’s pretty ironic how I found Associated Content on that very same legit work at home site. There are also jobs in Web Design and Game Design. You can make money doing photography jobs. Translation and teaching are yet some other jobs you can do. There is Medical Transcription jobs as well. Here is the link to a great site that links all of these legit work at home jobs. There are no fees. But you do have to have certain skills and education for some jobs. But others can be done by anyone. Here is the link: http://www.cjfj.net/id33.html.

I hope this article has showed you some of the online secrets to making money and how to get a real work at home job. I love working from home on my own time and being my own boss. You can also do this! I will be writing more articles about making money online and how to build wealth and invest to make your money grow. I wish you all well and good luck making money online in a legit way!

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