Lean Cuisine Chef’s Pick Collection Review

When I was in high school, one of the chubby girls returned from summer break with a skinny body. When we asked her what happened, she explained she had been eating Lean Cuisine frozen diet meals for lunch and dinner.

Back then, I didn’t care for the taste of many of the frozen diet meals. But recently, I was curious about the Lean Cuisine’s “Chef’s Pick” culinary collection. I know portion control is important for weight loss.

One of my major complains with frozen diet meals is they taste artificial. I decided to try several of the special dishes they advertise as being inspired by chefs for my new year diet.

Most of the dishes range in calories from about 250 to 300. I usually keep an eye on the grams of sugar, which can vary greatly from one dish to the next.

Chicken carbonara

The chicken carbonara has 270 calories, 6 grams of fat and 3 grams of fiber. It also has 7 Weight Watchers points. The chicken was tasty as was the creamy sauce. I enjoyed the tips of asparagus as well as red peppers and mushrooms. The dish had just a sprinkling of bacon, which added to the saltiness. Overall, I liked the dish, but not as much as some of the others.

Chicken marsala

The white mean chicken in marsala wine sauce received high marks in my book. I liked the mushroom and pea risotto. The dish was flavorful and did not taste like a standard frozen diet meal. It has 220 calories, 6 grams of fat, 2 grams of fiber and only 4 grams of sugar. The dish has 6 weight watchers points. Because of the low amount of fiber, I’d add a salad or salad to the meal to round it out.

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Chicken with basil cream sauce

The chicken with basil cream sauce Lean Cuisine was excellent. I’d also add it to my favorite list. I loved the green beans, peppers and carrots. The sauce was mild but flavorful and creamy. The tortellini was cheesy and filling. This dish has 230 calories, 2 grams of fiber and 6 grams of fat. I’d pair this dish with salad or possibly an apple or piece of fruit. It has 6 weight watchers points.

Although the Lean Cuisine pizzas are tasty, I don’t care for so much “bread” in my diet. The baked chicken with stuffing and red-skinned potatoes was tasty, but also too “bready.

Some of my other Lean Cuisine favorites include the chicken in peanut sauce and the various fish versions. They are surprisingly good.

The chicken pecan with cranberries is good when I’m in the mood to mix it up.

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