Late Pregnancy Complaints: Constipation and Heartburn

Many women experience either constipation or heartburn during pregnancy. A few are unlucky enough to experience both of these ailments. Find out how to prevent and treat pregnancy related constipation and heartburn.


As pregnancy progresses and the fetus gets bigger, the pressure of the extra weight on the rectum can cause constipation. Constipation is a common complaint of late pregnancy.

Preventing Constipation in Pregnancy

Eating a diet high in fiber and drinking plenty of fluids will help prevent constipation. Trade your typical breakfast fare in for a high fiber meal, such as oatmeal or bran cereal. Eat whole fruits, instead of fruit juices, and vegetables frequently. Be sure to exercise every day. Walking is a gentle exercise that can be done easily while pregnant and it will keep constipation at bay.

Treating Constipation

If, despite your best efforts, you can’t avoid constipation during pregnancy, try natural remedies first. Drinking prune juice or eating a few prunes daily will ease constipation. Increasing fluid intake will also help. Mild constipation is often reversed by drinking soda or eating something high in sugar, like a tablespoon of corn syrup. A cup of coffee can also get things moving again. If natural remedies are not working, see your doctor.

Complications of Constipation in Pregnancy

The most common complication of pregnancy related constipation is hemorrhoids. Passing a hard stool or straining when having a bowel movement can cause swollen veins in the rectum, more commonly known as hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids are uncomfortable but are usually not serious and often resolve on their own after the baby is born. See your doctor if hemorrhoid pain becomes severe.

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As the baby grows, the abdominal cavity gets crowded during pregnancy. This often results in the stomach acids getting pushed up into the esophagus. Heartburn can be extremely uncomfortable during pregnancy.

Preventing Heartburn in Pregnancy

Eating frequent, small meals instead of a few large ones will help prevent heartburn. As the baby crowds the stomach, many women report only being able to eat small meals anyway. Avoid typical heartburn trigger foods. Spicy food, chocolate and coffee can all trigger heartburn. If your cravings are for these heartburn causing foods, eat them in small quantities.

Treating Heartburn

Mild heartburn can be treated easily with a glass of milk, some ice cream or yogurt. Calcium rich foods cool the burning sensation of heartburn quickly. If heartburn is more severe, a chewable, over the counter antacid, like Tums, is recommended by most doctors. Always check with your doctor before taking any medication during pregnancy.

Complications of Heartburn in Pregnancy

Pregnancy related heartburn is generally harmless, though it can be extremely uncomfortable. Occasionally, it will interfere with sleep. To help ease nighttime discomfort, sleep propped up on several pillows. Avoid eating within a few hours of bedtime to allow food to digest. If pain becomes severe, consult a doctor.

Constipation and heartburn are common complaints that many women face during pregnancy. Prevention and natural remedies can decrease symptoms. Once the baby is born, constipation and heartburn quickly resolve on their own.
