Last Year’s Lawsuit by Katie Holmes: Did it Prompt Star Magazine to Print a Pro-Tom Story?

In a January 2011 cover story, Star Magazine featured a disturbing cover of Katie Holmes with this headline:

Addiction Nightmare: Katie DRUG SHOCKER! The real reason she can’t leave Tom.”

The story claimed Katie was “trapped in a cycle of addictive treatments.” What the mag was referring to is the wide use of “auditing” in Scientology. Members are hooked up to an e-meter, a sci-fi looking gadget that according to to the story releases endorphins, creating a natural, but addictive high.

The actress filed a $50 million lawsuit against the American Media, Inc. which publishes Star, but thecmatter was settled by Star making an undisclosed donation to the charity co-founded by Katie, Dizzy Feet Foundation, which helps underpriveleged kids learn dance.

The apology issued by Star read as follows:

In a recent issue of Star, we published headlines about Katie Holmes that could be read to suggest that she was addicted to drugs. Star apologizes to Ms. Holmes for any mis-perception and will be making a substantial donation to charity on Ms. Holmes’ behalf for any harm that we may have caused.”

Being an avid reader of Star, I noticed after that apology appeared, there were no longer any pictures or stories about Katie, Tom Cruise, or their daughter Suri. It was as if they had disappeared. I’m guessing part of the agreement was to not publish any pictures or stories about the family. But then came the divorce, and they were all back on the cover.

Spoiled Suri

This week’s cover (Aug. 6) of Star magazine features 6-year-old Suri Cruise demanding, “I want to live with daddy!” According to the report Papa Tom shelled out $170,000 for the post-divorce filing reunion with his little girl. Tom and Suri spent time in a hotel pool, and took a $6,200 helicopter ride from New York City to the Hamptons, where they enjoyed time on the beach.

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Star makes a big splash, pardon the pun, claiming they had an “undercover reporter” that spent time with Tom and Suri in their hotel’s pool. It is adamant that the only people in the pool area were a bodyguard outside the pool, and inside, a lifeguard, their reporter, Tom and Suri.

Obviously there must have been prior clearance by Tom for this reporter to be allowed in the pool with them; this meeting had to have been set up and approved by Tom. The reporter didn’t just waltz up to the bodyguard and say, “Hey, I’m from Star Magazine, can I join them in the pool?”

So it begs the question: Why was a Star reporter the only one allowed in the pool (indeed, the reporter got into the pool with the two, according to the story) with Tom and his daughter?

With the messy business of the lawsuit behind them, most likely Tom saw Star as the one who would give him a favorable story. An agreement was probably reached to tell a fabulous story of what a wonderful and amazing father Tom is to Suri, and to make Katie look, well, kind of pathetic. And that’s exactly what the story did.

The mag has a picture of a solemn-looking Katie with this caption, “She is really stressed out and has a hard time being apart from Suri, especially while Suri is with Tom,” an insider tells the tabloid.

Saying Katie has “reason to be afraid,” the mag writes, “She may have won full custody, but the battle to shield Suri from the same divisive influences of Scientology that turned Nicole Kidman’s children against her is anything but decided. Katie may have control over Suri, but Tom has her heart.”

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Super Scientology Parent Tom is so loving “Whenever Suri asked Tom a question, he addressed her as Precious,” states the mag. Isn’t that special? (Can you tell I have no young kids?)

The reporter tells the mag “At around 4:30, Tom asked Suri if she was thirsty. He asked her if she wanted a Pellegrino. But she asked for a lemonade. He said, “With or without ice?” and she decided on ice. When it came, Suri decided she didn’t want it anymore and ordered a ginger ale instead. Tom assisted her with everything.”

First off, what kid drinks Pellegrino? What kid even knows what Pellegrino is? Then when she makes up her mind, and her drink is delivered to her, Suri changes her mind and gets something else? What would most parents say? Drink the dang lemonade!

Star further reports of Tom: “He made up for lost time with more than $170,000 dollars worth of extravagant gifts, lavish buffets of her favorite foods at their five-star hotel and a round trip helicopter ride to the beach. Tom was clearly trying to buy Suri’s favor. He wanted to make a grand impression on his impressionable little daughter – and it worked!”

I can’t even imagine what toys, clothes or what have you one could buy for a 6-year-old child that would justify an astonishing bill of $170,000 dollars. That is insanity, and horrible parenting. This child is growing up never hearing the word “no” to anything her heart desires, and that is going to be a problem in her future.

When Suri was age four, a former Nanny told Star at that time “even though Suri has a private chauffeur, a $100,000 playroom, $6,000 Halloween costume and $25,000 tiaras, she doesn’t really have any friends her age.”

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How in the world is this little girl going to adapt to Catholic School, which Katie has enrolled Suri in starting in the fall? That is going to be something.

Star sums up the reporter’s time spent with Tom and Suri:

Our reporter was left with an overwhelming impression of an extremely doting father and a daughter who trusted him implicitly.

I’m left with an overwhelming impression of a nut-case for a father, lavishing excessive gifts upon his child who is ultimately being damaged by his actions.