Do Men Have “PMS”?

As I looked over many articles with women asking the same question I wondered if it were true. Although it does seem that men have certain “cycles” that they go through can it really be labeled as “PMS” men style. One Danish endocrinologist studied his urine to see that his hormones changed about every 32 days. It was clock work. What I find more interesting is that a study was done that said that men’s beards or facial hair grew faster during certain times of the month than others. One Japanese company used these cycles and studied their taxi drivers. Once they figured out the man’s cycle or mood swing they would change their routes which resulted in one third less traffic accidents. Have you ever noticed that one day a man will be totally ready to have sex then the next day he doesn’t want anything to do with you? That sounds like “PMS” to me. What amazes me is that we get upset with our boyfriends or husbands when they want to be left alone but when it is our turn we just want to get mad. We want to yell at them because they said “Good Morning” but when it’s there turn we walk away thinking it’s our fault. Imagine how they must fell when we are sobbing and they haven’t done anything wrong. We always use that old excuse that we are on our period and we have an excuse to be mad. Maybe you’ll like me though I cry constantly and in the middle of my crying I’m cleaning the house like crazy. What’s men’s excuse? They can’t say they are on their period because hello they don’t have one but maybe it’s something of the sort that they do have. You know I believe that if you ask any woman if their significant other has a so to speak “period” they would scream so loudly yes. Now on the other hand if you ask a man that same question you would get an even more louder no. Any man would deny the fact that they have mood swings and any person in their eyes should be shot for thinking that. But I believe that all the evidence points back that even though it isn’t stomach cramps or bloating they still have a form of mood swings. Whether it comes in a form of depression, anger, or just wanting to be alone it’s there and just like a woman you better give them their space. So if you’re a woman out there and your boyfriend/husband is having his “PMS” day just give him his space. Just realize that yours will be coming soon.