Ladies – Ready to Lose Weight Quickly and Simply?

We all do it. We have a goal weight, for example, personally I feel my best at 120 pounds, being a petite person. I have (at a very delicate time in my life) gained and lost 30 pounds, bringing me to 150!! I went from a size 2 to a 5 to a 10! I tried everything, over the counter “quick fixes”, herbs, crazy diets, going to the gym. Nothing stuck. When I saw a picture of myself in a bikini on my honeymoon I was horrified! I have never been someone who could stick with, or find time to get to the gym. I knew I would have to exercise and I knew my little “cheat days” of D’angelo’s or Chinese had to stop. I also realized that the egg and cheese croissant with a large coffee loaded with cream and sugar was most likely not helping me in any way!!

I was desperate for an exercise program I could do in the comfort of my home away from those gorgeous women at the gym that I just knew were judging me.

I was OnDemand (cable) one day looking for a movie when I came upon a “Fitness and Nutrition” section,.. I selected it and saw that there was a wide variety of aerobics, ab routine’s, yoga, kickboxing,.. you name it. I selected a beginner level aerobic routine and completed all of 5 minutes of a 20 minute workout. Sounds terrible however I had done enough to raise my heart rate, it was actually enough to release some endorphins and I felt good about myself for having attempted it. This continued for several weeks until I found myself looking forward to these workouts, not only able to do more but wanting to!! Instead of wine my workouts were my stress relief at the end of a hard day or an hour in traffic. I would follow each workout (even a short 10 minute one) with a hot shower and some lavender scented body wash (very soothing). In one month I had lost 10 pounds from these little sessions done in my sweats, zit cream and hair in a bun!

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I felt like a new person, then I plateaued. I was not losing any more weight, and I was frustrated. What to cut out first,.. I was so determined to keep this newfound energy and happiness. So I took it a step further,.. no more morning coffee with cream and sugar, I switched to Green Tea, more energy than coffee and come to find it actually boosted my metabolism! I also cut out all soda, alcohol and carbs. I started to use whole grain pasta and to use it sparingly. No more spaghetti and meatballs where I could never stop at one plate, no more comfort food like Mac and Cheese, and no more cheat days of fast/junk food. So what did I eat?

I had a grapefruit for breakfast, no sugar on it,.. just a half of a grapefruit. Now I won’t lie. This, as you can imagine, took an enormous amount of willpower and I was “moody” at best quitting my coffee and not having a delicious treat to look forward to during the day. I kept carrot sticks at my desk and when I was hungry I would munch on as many of those as I wanted. For lunch I brought cereal to work and I switched to Soy Milk. For me Vanilla Almond Special K with Vanilla flavored Soy milk became my treat. Sweet, delicious and guilt free! For dinner I would have steak, pork or chicken with spinach sauteed with lemon juice and garlic. Surprisingly tasty. I also found that asparagus in the oven at 300 for 15 minutes with a touch of flavored olive oil was not only delicous but also acted as a diuretic relieving water weight. When I went to dinner I would double my vegetable and order everything “no starch” I started to eat more salmon and haddock with squash or broccoli.

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Within TWO WEEKS I went from 142 to 130 pounds!! I gave my size tens to a friend and was back into a 5. Well since then I have had days when I do not have time to workout, however I try to get in at least 4 days even if it is only 20 minutes of jumping rope, jogging along with the Wii in my living room, doing some squats and lunges, or putting on one of my trusty workout routines for a while. On nice days I put on my ipod and walk, I walk and walk and walk. I joined a YMCA and just go swim and relax on weekends.

I had no fatigue, no headaches, my mood went from cranky and agitated to happy and peaceful. Within another 10 days I was in fact down to 120 where I was comfortable. I now maintain, I can cheat on occasion, however I have gotten used to and actually enjoy my healthy foods. My stomach has certainly shrunk, I am full much more quickly. I do not crave carbs at all anymore (and boy was I hooked on my comfort food!). I am proud of myself, I am happy and I look great in a bikini for the first time since I was 16!!

If you find yourself with a few extra pounds on, feeling a little more fatigued, a touch cranky, I urge you, for even FIVE days try this. For yourself! Spend at least 10 – 15 minutes a day getting your heart rate up.. do jumping jacks, run in place, jump rope, do what you can of an aerobics program. For QUICK, GUARANTEED results,.. simple, no more carbs!! Anything white is a no-no. Potatoes (though sweet potatoes are fine), rice, white pasta, white bread,.. all evil! Your body does not benefit from these foods at all!! There are good carbs in veggies, there is nothing that your body requires in starch. Any starch will simply convert into fat. It’s not rocket science. Keep a stock of carrot sticks around, when you shop do not do so hungry. Buy only what you know is good. Spinach, lemon juice (in place of butter or oil), artichokes, asparagus, squash, blueberries, apples, grapefruit, Special K or Total, Soy milk, chicken, tuna, salmon and garlic! Donate any canned goods (high in sodium), any pasta, frozen pizza’s,.. you know what junk food you have,.. donate it to a neighbor or to a local food pantry. Get it OUT OF THE HOUSE. You will find that by adding some lemon and garlic to plain salmon, some dill, with a side of spinach also flavored with garlic or perhaps sauteed with artichoke,.. are so delicious. It will not be easy, let’s not fool ourselves into thinking we can “have our cake and eat it too” losing weight is not fun or easy. If it were this country would not have the obesity problem we face today. However when you see the difference in your body and when you feel the clarity in your mind and raised energy levels during the day it will all be worth it.

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This I promise you!