La Quinta Bentonville – The Place to Stay When Natural Disaster Strikes

If you are traveling to Bentonville Arkansas, perhaps even relocating, look no further than the La Quinta Inn and Suites for plushy accommodations and useful amenities. And, if you happen to be in town when two tornadoes touch ground, you won’t find a better place to stay. This is one of the few occasions when the value of hotel staff outshines amenities.

When we first arrived at La Quinta we were exhausted from moving from out-of-state and traveling over 200 miles in sporadic inclement weather. Despite the fatigue we became motivated to go out for some Italian food, so we checked in to freshen up.

Bentonville, La Quinta – First Impression

At first blush, the new building and lobby was inviting, roomy and tastefully decorated. But La Quinta could have cut their decorating budget by one-half and I wouldn’t have noticed. The first thing to catch my eye was a built-in convenience nook stocked with Ben and Jerry’s, which fulfilled most of my hotel decor interest.

Next to it, the young hotel clerk was friendly but mildly concerned about the bad weather headed our way. Yet, she handled her fear well, did her job and handed us our room keys.

We grabbed a cup of Seattle’s Best coffee, conveniently located by the desk, and went up to our rooms. Located on the third floor, I found our rooms to be a healthy trek from the elevator. Over-packers may want to request a LaQuinta room with better proximity.

La Quinta – A Four Star Hotel Room

Equipped with a mini-fridge, microwave, flat screen TV, and optional $10 X-Box console rental, a parent could leave their teenager occupied for several hours while pursuing Bentonville nightlife (such that it is) or shopping.

Otherwise, the King-sized bed, mahogany furniture, couch, sizable desk, and coffee maker will keep the working adult happy and not lacking for space.

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Upon bathroom inspection, I noticed the heavy beach-size towels – the type that makes towel thieves drool – and found all the basics, including a hair dryer. The tub went largely unnoticed, though 90-plus minutes later it would be stocked with my belongings.

Bentonville Restaurant Kicks Us Out

Following an excellent dinner of crab-stuffed ravioli we were eagerly awaiting our espresso to motivate us back to La Quinta. We had just received our cups when the lights went ablaze. Soon we were informed that guests were being evacuated due to weather. What weather, I didn’t know. The staff was freaked out, and not helpful for my storm weary friend or other guests. We hurried out the door knowing that we needed to make it to La Quinta, pronto.

The short drive back to La Quinta Inn was a bit unnerving with the flash lightening and my friend preferring to watch the sky rather than the road. When we reached the La Quinta lobby and café area, we found some guests watching the weather reports on TV. The glass indulged lobby was the last place I wanted to be. Besides, I was exhausted and the place seemed solid, so I proceeded to my room.

Bentonville Tornadoes, La Quinta Evacuation

After ten minutes of me playing virtual storm chaser through my window with my zoom camera, my friend called to say that La Quinta guests are being evacuated to ground level.

My first thought was to put my luggage in the bathtub. Being that the rest of my worldly goods were on some moving truck somewhere, I became a bit protective of my underwear, jeans and boots.

Then I tucked my drivers license and medical insurance card into my back pocket – just in case, you never know. Soon I made it out the door just as another young La Quinta staff member was nearing to knock. Looking calm as she did, I was further convinced my tornado apathy was justified.

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Returning to the lobby, I found the crowd to be 50-some strong, among them my quite pale friend. The Weather Channel showed four circular rotations surrounding us, which probably would cause some excitement if they merged. I pushed memories of Twister, the movie, out of my mind.

After some uneventful minutes, I joined the few brave and stupid, like myself, outside, camera in tow. Mostly I was entertained by the chat between some other guests from California who apparently preferred earthquakes to tornado warnings. After five minutes or so, a tornado siren went off and insiders were motioning us in. This got my attention, so I shut my video camera off and followed suit.

Guests were now lined up in the halls, away from the glass, many sitting on the floor. Thankfully, most everyone was relatively calm — lots of cell phone chit chat and somebody apparently complaining that their DSL was out. The person on this end wasn’t real sympathetic. I was just grateful I could grab a diet coke on the way in. I knew that La Quinta convenience nook would come in handy.

Ultimately, two tornadoes touched down, one a mile so so away and the damage was apparently minimal. Minutes later I saw that my friend was relatively OK. When the worst was over I asked the La Quinta staff if I could return to my room and was given the affirmative.

Round Two – Unfinished Tornado Business

After a reassuring phone call to my mom, I collapsed on the bed but left the Weather Channel on. Soon I find more tornadoes and more warnings. At least this round I know which county we’re in but am still disoriented as to the storms’ progression. Finally, the tornado warnings including some city names to assist the ignorant.

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Begrudgingly, I got dressed and decided to go downstairs for some Ben and Jerry’s and presumed another evacuation was forthcoming. If I was going to be taken out of this world this night, it would be with pint in hand. I really didn’t want to deal with another crowd though, but relented.

To my surprise, the elevator door opens and the lobby is completely empty. The La Quinta Inn clerk looks as she did when we first arrived, calm and productive.

I made a beeline for the ice cream, nodded and chuckled about my trek, and gratefully went back to my room. The decision not to arouse everyone and herd them back downstairs was a good one, the storms passed.

La Quinta Inn Review – Conclusion

As Bentonville will be attracting tornado weary tourists with the advent of Crytal Bridges Art Musuem in 2009, I thought you should have the story behind the La Quinta Inn review.

Obviously, I didn’t have time to enjoy the movies, wireless, swimming, X-Box, or even the lovely breakfast the next morning, but I did sleep well that night. More importantly, my friend didn’t require a tranquilizer dart.

The Bentonville, La Quinta staff balanced caution with common sense, and did a good job of looking out for guests while showing little fear themselves. While nice accommodations are a treat, safety and peace of mind are often taken for granted in a hotel. I know which lodging I’m entrusting my friends and family to in the future. And, with any luck they won’t spend their time there watching the Weather Channel.
