Kissing Tips on a First Date

The controversy over whether you should kiss on a first date is as old as dating itself. This question is particularly important to women who do not want to send the wrong signal to the man. We will discuss in this article whether kissing on a first date is acceptable, and if it is, what kind of kiss is appropriate.

We live in an era of sexual promiscuity. Sex is portrayed on TV, in movies, in magazines, and on the Internet. We see hot, steamy kisses on the movie screen. The first kiss is usually just a lead-in to a passionate bedroom scene. And the couple barely knows each other! Light, affectionate kissing seems to have gone by the way of the dinosaur.

Kissing is a physical act that shows affection. It is very possible to have feelings of affection for a person after only a few hours of spending time getting to know them. It is an art form that can express just how you feel at that moment about the person you are kissing.

If a woman wants to take it slowly with a man, she must take control of how the kisses are given and accepted. A first date kiss should only be a light peck on the cheek or on the lips. A lingering kiss on the lips can send the wrong signal!

The right time to kiss can be anytime you feel comfortable and safe with your date. If he shows you he is enjoying your company with other affectionate gestures like holding your hand while you’re walking, you may accept a light kiss on the cheek from him.

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It is usually the way a kiss is delivered that brings about misunderstanding or wrong conclusions about where the kiss is headed.

If your date kisses you too hard or too long, gently end the kiss by pushing him away. If he becomes offended and doesn’t apologize to you, end the date immediately.

If he kisses you in this manner before the end of the date and apologizes, you don’t have to end the date, but do not kiss him good night. You must stay in control of how and when he kisses you or you will find yourself in trouble.

If he has been a perfect gentleman all during the date, it would be appropriate for him to kiss you lightly on the cheek when he takes you to the door, or you can take the initiative and break that awkward moment and kiss him lightly on the cheek. You want to show him that you had a nice time and would like to see him again.

In conclusion, kissing on a first date can be done without it leading to more intimacy if it is an appropriate kiss. Some women have a rule of no kissing on the first date and if you are more comfortable sticking with that rule, that’s fine. However, if you stay in control of the kissing done on a first date, you will navigate these waters with very little trouble at all.