Kindergarten Lessons: How to Improve Listening Skills

One of the most difficult tasks for kindergarten kids is listening to parents and teachers. Kids often day dream, and many are easily distracted, especially those who aren’t used to working in groups with other kids. The following kindergarten lessons are fun and easy lessons you and your kindergarten student can try at home. These kindergarten lessons will greatly improve listening skills, and a child who has good listening skills is a child who will absorb more information at home as well as in school.

I’m currently working with my five year old daughter to improve her listening skills. I’ve had problems getting her to listen to an entire bedtime story without interruption. She often stops me to tell me something unrelated to the story, and it gets very frustrating. I’ve since learned a number of great ways parents can help kindergarten kids improve listening skills, and when practiced on a regular basis these kindergarten lessons can help your child too.

Ask Questions

After reading a book to your kindergarten student, ask a series of questions that can only be answered if your child was really listening. Kindergarten kids love complements for work well done, so compliment your child for every correct answer. If you ask questions after every story, your child will know he or she will need to listen closely so they can answer correctly, and it will become a habit that will greatly help in learning.

Listening With Eyes Closed

Play listening games with your kindergarten student. With eyes closed, have your child tell you the sounds he or she hears, either indoors or out. Practice this activity each and every day and your kindergarten student will pay more attention to his or her surrounding while improving listening skills that will help in learning valuable lessons.

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Special Walks

While taking walks with your kindergarten student, ask him or her to identify specific sounds such as birds chirping, dogs barking, vehicles, kids, and anything else making noise. This is a fun and entertaining activity while taking a walk, and it will greatly improve listening skills when practiced on a regular basis.

Sound Patterns

Another great way to help your kindergarten student improve listening skills is through sound patterns. Clap your hands or tap a spoon on a table in a specific pattern. Start out with a simple rhythm pattern, and have your child repeat it using the same instrument. Before long he or she will become very good at repeating the patterns you create.

Clapping Game

The clapping game is another fantastic way to improve a kindergarten student’s listening skills. It’s similar to a hide-and-seek game kids played years ago. While your child is out of the room, hide a specific object that won’t be real easy to find. Once the object is well hidden, have the child return, and while using clapping commands, have the child search for the object. The closer the child is to the object the louder you should clap. The better the child’s listening skills, the better he or she will become at this fun and easy kindergarten game.