Spring Craft Projects for Kindergarten Kids

Kids of all ages enjoy working on spring craft projects. As the weather becomes warmer, kids are thinking of playing outside, and spring fever takes hold. You can motivate kindergarten kids with the following spring craft projects. It may be warmer outside, but creativity and the promise of warmer days to come can be incorporated into spring craft projects and lessons. Give these spring craft projects for kindergarten kids a try. Whether you are a teacher, a caregiver, or a parent, kindergarten kids are sure to love these fun spring craft projects, and you will too. They are inexpensive, and they are fun and easy for kindergarten kids.

Make a Funny Character with Grass Hair

Fresh green grass is a sign of spring, and grass seed and soil can be used to make a funny character with grass for hair. Save yogurt cups or milk cartons, and have the kids make labels to fit the containers. At the top of the label have them draw the head of a person or animal along with a funny face. Alternately you can copy labels with a ready-to-color picture. Have the kids glue on the finished labels, and fill the containers with soil. Sow grass seed in the soil, water it as necessary, and within a week the seeds will start sprouting. Before long the funny characters will have grass for hair, and they will require a trim.

Colored Sand Sculptures

With salt or sand and powdered tempera paint, kindergarten kids can create beautiful and affordable sand sculptures in jars. It isn’t necessary to buy expensive colored sand. To make colored sand all you have to do is combine 2 cups of clean art-quality sand or table salt with 4 teaspoons of powdered tempera paint. Make several colors, provide the kids with small clear glass jars, and set up a sand sculpture station. Provide small scoops, and have each child go around the table adding the colors they prefer. In addition, provide each kindergarten student with a toothpick, and show them now to create interesting colored layers by running the toothpick down the insides of the jars. This is an ideal spring craft project for kindergarten kids, and it can be completed outside to eliminate messes.

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Spring Rain Sticks

What better time of the year to make rain sticks than spring? Kindergarten kids love making and playing with rainsticks, and it’s a craft project they can treasure for years to come. Each kindergarten student needs a sturdy wrapping paper tube or mailing tube, duct tape for sealing the ends, tissue paper to decorate the outsides of the tubes, and items such as dried beans and rice to create the sound of gently falling rain each time the rain sticks are overturned.

Begin by applying duct tape to one end of each cardboard tube, and have the kids decorate their rain sticks with shapes of their choice using art-quality tissue paper. As the rain sticks are completed, pour about ¼ cup of dried beans and ¼ cup of rice in each tube. Some of the contents will stick to the duct tape, but it won’t matter. Secure the tops with duct tape, and the rain sticks are ready to use. Kindergarten kids absolutely love the sound as much as they enjoy making these fun spring craft projects.