Kid Friendly Recipe: Deviled Eggs in a Bag

Cooking with your kids is extra enjoyable if you choose a recipe that is easy for your kids to master, and is also very simple to clean up. This recipe for deviled eggs in a bag is fun for kids to make, super easy to clean up, and might even get your kids to try out a new food.

Supplies. The only supplies you will need for this recipe are quart sized zip top bags for each person making the recipe, a saucepan, a knife, a pair of scissors, and a cutting board. No bowls or spoons are needed. The bulk of the work is done with your hands, which is even more fun for the kids.

Ingredients. To make your deviled eggs you will need several hard boiled eggs, salt and pepper, yellow mustard, mayonnaise, and paprika. If you want to jazz up your deviled eggs with ingredients like relish, go right ahead. This basic recipe, however, is one that kids are more likely to taste.

Procedure. The first step in making deviled eggs in a bag is to boil your eggs. Boil eggs in a saucepan of water for 15 minutes. When the 15 minutes is up, remove the eggs and run cool water over them until they are cool to the touch. It is important to stop the cooking process immediately so that you do not end up with green egg yolks. Once your eggs have cooled, they need to be peeled. This is a very fun task for kids. Very young kids may need some help here. Once your eggs are peeled, rinse them to remove any excess shell bits. Using the knife and cutting board, slice the eggs carefully in half long-ways. Remove the egg yolk and place it in the zip top bag.

See also  The Origin of the Deviled Egg

You may add as many yolks as you desire to one zip top bag. Add also to the bag a squirt of mayonnaise (about 1 teaspoon per yolk), and small squirt of mustard (about 1/8 teaspoon or slightly less per yolk), a dash of salt, and a dash of pepper. Once all of your ingredients are added, it’s time to have fun! Squish and smash all of the ingredients together within the bag using your hands. Make sure everything is well blended and smooth.

Finish and Serve. To finish off your deviled eggs, press all of the yolk mixture down to one bottom corner of the bag. Carefully snip off a small piece of the corner using your scissors. Using the bag like a decorating bag, squeeze out the yolk mixture into your boiled egg white halves. You can get creative here making designs as you fill the egg whites. Once all of your egg whites are filled, garnish with a sprinkling of paprika.

This simple and fun recipe is a great way to get your kids in the kitchen and for them to feel really involved in the cooking process. Making the recipe themselves might even motivate them enough to try out a new food. Grab some eggs and a few zip top bags and making deviled eggs in a bag with your kids today!