Kevin Smith Set to Direct Premiere Episodes of Heroes: Origins and Reaper This Fall

Kevin Smith will direct two premier episodes for new series this year, Heroes: Origins to air on NBC and Reaper, a new show to appear on the CW. His choice for both roles had been the culmination of a career pointed to these genre choices.

Kevin Smith, the director of fan favorite and cult status movies such as Mallrats, Clerks, Clerks II, Dogma and Chasing Amy, has provided fans an opportunity to see characters that they can see themselves in very easily: frightened, normal people just trying to make it. Kevin Smith fits this role, and spends his time exploring his own mind with some of the movies. But recently, Kevin has been giving a true view at his passions: The art form of the “comic book” type of movie and character has raised Kevin Smith to superhero status in the land of the nerds of all things entertainment.

Kevin Smith started his career in the same convenience store when Clerks was shot. It was here that he decided to pour it all into an attempt at make a movie. The rest, as they say, is recent history-Kevin Smith has strung together some of the greatest movies of the “young” indie generation to date. In the movie Mallrats, you see his inner “fanboy” come out. A “fanboy” is a bit of a geek, a young man who enjoys movies, video games and comic in no particular order.

As a fanboy himself, Kevin Smith has had the chance to direct Stan Lee-creator of marvel Comics and write a few comic himself including issues of Spiderman, Daredevil and the Green Arrow. He has had controversial plot lines and stories published and held back, and has since stopped working in this format.

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But now Kevin brings his talent to the small screen. Heroes: Origins places a twist on the series. Instead of airing repeats during their blocks of time between new episodes of Heroes, the show will focus on the origins of many of the characters that we see or hear about. Kevin Smith was announced as the director of the first episode, with hopes of snagging other big name directors to highlight the series. As a fan, I highly anticipate the way that Kevin will put his own twists and heavy-dialogue ridden scripts to play!

The other new show Kevin is directing is the pilot of a new show premiering on the CW titled Reaper. This show will take a look at a young man who has recently found out that his parents had sold his soul when he was younger to the devil, and Satan has come to collect his services! The premise has the main character, Sam (played by Bret Harrison) enlisted as a bounty hunter for the devil (played by actor ray Wise). Fun and heated moments are sure to happen, and this all starts on the CW September 25 at 9:00 PM.

Both shows are sure to bring a lot of action and comedy from the mind of Kevin Smith to the small screen. I look forward to them both, and I hope you enjoy them too!