Kellogg’s Gingerbread Pop Tarts Make a Good Snack

Back in October, I was walking through the grocery store when a box of Pop-Tarts caught my eye. Normally I would have passed right by without a second glace, but something about this box grabbed my attention. I think it was the smiling gingerbread man on the box. Its not often that you see Christmas themed foods before Halloween has passed, but there it was. Last week I was back in the same store, and spotted the same old box sitting on the shelf. This time, I decided to give it a shot.

Kellogg’s Gingerbread Pop-Tarts are a limited edition for the holiday season. Given that they’ve been in the stores since October, I’m guessing that they will stick around until at least the middle of January. The box is pretty cute, a pale blue color with little white snowflakes dancing around, and of course the smiling gingerbread man. The box also shows an image of the Pop-Tarts, each with a different gingerbread man scene on the front. Kellogg’s claims that there are 50 images available on the Pop-Tarts.

I have to say that I really liked these. I’m not a Pop-Tart fan, nor do I like them heated up, but these were just begging for some warmth. I tried one cold while the other was in the toaster, and it was so-so at best. The icing/frosting in the middle was a little thick, but it evened out nicely when warmed up a little.

To be honest, these are nothing at all like the regular Pop-Tart flavors. The outside crust actually tastes like real gingerbread, and not just that but homemade gingerbread. Then there’s the frosting. The frosting is so good that I wish they had included an extra tube just for fun. It tasted exactly like the icing that goes on the top of cinnamon rolls, and we all know that’s the best part of a cinnamon roll. I also have to say that the smell these gave off while in the toaster was incredible. A neighbor stopped by, and actually thought I was baking because it smelled so good. The scent also hung in the air better than any air freshener I’ve ever used.

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The one downside to the Gingerbread Pop-Tarts is the amount of sugar in each one. At 16 grams of sugar per serving, it’s too much for a breakfast item. A better choice would be to save these for after school, especially with a mug of hot apple cider.

The Kellogg’s Gingerbread Pop-Tarts are a great choice for a quick snack, or a special treat. Just make sure to get yours soon as they’ll only be around for the Christmas season.