Kellogg’s Cinnabon Bars: A Review

“What makes this so good?” the box that I had picked up asks. “It has to be the world-famous blend of rich cinnamon, delicious fresh baked flavor, and melt-in-your-mouth frosting.” “The indulgence of Cinnabon, the goodness of Kellogg’s.”

Kellogg’s and Cinnabon, two great products come together as one in new Kellogg’s Cinnabon Bars. A great new snack that tastes great warm or cold. I found this product at our local grocery store for about $3.00. It’s a box containing 6 bars filled with cinnamon and drizzled with frosting.

I did find the price to be a bit steep for something so little but I believe it is worth it since it is the Kellogg’s and Cinnabon brand. I’m thinking that they come in different flavors but all I saw was original which is fine with me. I love the taste and the smell of cinnamon rolls so this product is definitely worth it to me.

I tried one of these Kellogg’s Cinnabon Bars as a snack and found it to be a very small bar that isn’t very filling but it was quite delicious. I haven’t had Cinnabon cinnamon rolls in a while so when I saw this product I had to try it. It does taste just like the cinnamon rolls and even though they are little bars, they pack a lot of flavor.

Kellogg’s Cinnabon Bars not only pack a lot of flavor but a lot of calories as well. One bar contains 150 calories and 13 grams of sugar. Although I’m not one to count calories, you’d think something containing so many would be more filling. Also you can eat this product warm or cold. To heat them, remove them from the wrapper, place on a napkin or paper plate and heat for three seconds. I had mine in the microwave for six seconds and it was still cold, so I suggest being cautious and using your own judgment when it comes to heating these little bars.

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Whether eating Kellogg’s Cinnabon Bars hot or cold they are definitely something worth trying. It’s like eating a cinnamon roll without the mess. If you like them you might end up eating the whole box since they are little. I think one box of these equals one or two big cinnamon rolls. If you like Kellogg’s and Cinnabon cinnamon rolls, I suggest trying this great new product. They pack a lot of cinnamon and vanilla taste for such a little bar and if I could I would definitely eat more than one so you might want to pick up more than one box.