Keep the Dentist Away with Green Tea

It’s been said that green tea is great for your overall health. It prevents cancer, eases the body during cancer therapies, increases the heart’s resistance to cardiovascular diseases, reduces appearance of wrinkles, improves the metabolism, minimizes the chances of developing breast cancer, used to detoxify the body, helps weight loss, bring cholesterol levels down, relieves stress, and strengthens the immune system. All this from drinking just three – five cups a day.

Teeth and Mouth
Healthy teeth and mouth are crucial to speaking and smiling, but more importantly they are responsible for the first step of food digestion. The #1 reason why people loss their teeth is due to tooth decay. Green tea keeps bacteria from thriving in your mouth and assists in maintaining healthy tooth enamel.

The Importance of Enamel
An adult has 32 teeth, including the wisdom teeth. There are four different types of teeth: incisors, canines, premolars, and molars. All of these have similar structures. Teeth are covered with hard enamel, whose purpose is to protect the teeth. Although it is tough, if the enamel is damaged or decayed, it cannot repair itself. Some people have sensitive teeth because their dentin layer, under the enamel, is exposed. It is not as hard as the enamel and is sensitive to touch and varying temperatures.

Preventing Tooth Decay
Mitscher’s Green Tea Book states that although tooth care is increasing in the U.S., nearly every person will develop tooth decay at some point in their lives. The number one reason for tooth decay is bacteria, which cause cavities. The chewing surfaces of molars are great places for particles and bacteria to live and grow. Flossing and brushing every day prevent this from happening. Eating a healthy, low-sugar diet will help prevent cavities as well.

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Green tea stops from harmful bacteria from growing. According to the Chinese Journal of Stomatology, just five minutes of contact between S. mutans (bacteria most known for causing tooth decay)and the contents of green tea will cease growth of the cavity-causing bacteria. Green tea also increases the tooth’s resistance to actions of this harmful bacteria, so cavities are less likely to occur.

In Bral’s Dental Clincs of North America article, it was said that a plaque-blocking product should meet the following qualifications:

1) Will not stain teeth
2) Has no negative effects on teeth
3)Reduces plaque/gingivitis
4) Safe to use
5) Easy to use
6) Not expensive
7) Will remain in the mouth for a long period of time
8) Will not cause resistant bacteria to develop
9) Removes just disease-causing bacteria

Although no product out there meets all qualifications, green tea fulfills 8 out of 9 of these (it will not stay in the mouth for a long time).

So drink your green tea for a long, healthy life!


Personal Experience

Mitcscher, Lester A, “The Green Tea Book”
