Johnny Depp Signs on to Sci-Fi Thriller ‘Transcendence’

Johnny Depp has starred in a number of different genres, including horror, fantasy, action, drama and comedies. His next movie takes him into the realm of science fiction, as it’s been reported he will take the lead role in Wally Pfister’s movie “Transcendence.” Pfister is a cinematographer who has worked extensively with Christopher Nolan and this will be his first directorial effort.

The movie follows a couple who develops programming code for a self aware computer. Anti-tech terrorists attempt to kill the husband, causing the wife to quickly upload his brain into a supercomputer. The man then starts to explore this new breakthrough, with the assassins still hot on his trail. It all sounds very confusing, but looking at inspirations like “Inception,” it might also be brilliant.

Johnny Depp is not the only A-list superstar taking a chance on a difficult sci-fi movie. Here is a look at other major stars with sci-fi movies coming out.

Tom Cruise

Tom Cruise has been in his fair share of sci-fi movies over his career, including “Minority Report” and “War of the Worlds,” but the next one seems very different from the rest. “Oblivion” hits theaters in July 2013 and looks like a strange mix between “The Matrix” and “Avatar.” The movie, a 3D IMAX film, stars Cruise as a former Marine who is stationed on earth to serve as a repairman 60 years after an alien invasion destroyed everything. However, when he finds a stranded woman and breaks orders to save her, his entire life turns upside down as he questions what really happened during the alien invasion.

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George Clooney

While science fiction is not a genre that George Clooney has much experience in, he is set to appear in “Gravity,” which hits theaters in September 2013. The movie is directed by Alfonso Cuaron, the director who made the brilliant “Children of Men.” Clooney and Sandra Bullock star as a pair of astronauts trying to survive in a damaged space station, with no apparent way to get back to earth. Angelina Jolie and Robert Downey Jr. were originally cast to star in the movie, which would have been a very different experience.

Matt Damon

Matt Damon has been a spy, and now he plans to take on the role of a desperate man in a futuristic world in “Elysium.” The movie is directed by Neill Blomkamp, the South African director who made his debut with the very impressive “District 9.” The film tells the story of the year 2159 where the rich live on a space station and the poor try to survive on an overpopulated, ruined earth. The people of earth need medical care, but it is only available on the space station Elysium, which is off limits to the “illegal immigrants” of earth. Damon’s character needs something desperately from Elysium and sets out to get there by any means necessary. “Elysium” hits theaters in August 2013.

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