Ideas for a First Holy Communion Party

A first Holy Communion is a very important event in the life of a Roman Catholic child and their family, and it is a time for celebration. However, the celebration does not have to be an extravagant event. The focus should be on the reason for the party and not how impressive it might be to others in attendance. Use these simple ideas for a first Holy Communion party, and make it a celebration to remember for all of the right reasons.

Consider Ordering Chicken for a First Holy Communion Party

Preparing food for a first Holy Communion party takes a lot of planning. Unless the party will be in the evening, the food must be ready shortly after the Mass. Consider ordering chicken from a local grocery store or restaurant. It can be picked up before going home. Otherwise, consider using a crock pot to hold Italian beef. Any main dish that does not require extensive preparation is a good choice.

Serve Ready-Made Easy to Prepare Sides

When hosting a first Holy Communion party, the side dishes must be as easy to prepare as the main dish. Instead of spending hours in the kitchen preparing sides, buy ready-made side dishes such as coleslaw, macaroni salad, and bagged tossed green salad and gelatin salads. Offer chips instead of mashed potatoes or other hot dishes. This will eliminate the need to keep the food hot, and it will lessen preparation time and cleanup. After the first Holy Communion Mass has ended, the food can be easily placed on a counter or table and served buffet style once the party begins.

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Create a Simple Chalice and Host Cake

An expensive bakery cake is not necessary when planning and hosting a first Holy Communion party. Absolutely anyone can make a simple chalice and host cake using a standard nine by thirteen-inch baking pan, a cake mix, a knife and a can of prepared frosting.

Bake the cake according to package directions. After it cools completely, carefully remove it from the well-greased pan. Place it on a thick sheet of cardboard that has been covered with white freezer paper. Cut away the sides to form a chalice using a blunt serrated knife, and brush away the crumbs. Save the extra pieces to create the host. Simply cut out circles that coordinate in size, and place them next to the chalice. Frost the chalice and the host with frosting of your choice.

Store-bought games and expensive first Holy Communion activities are not required for the party. Family and friends will enjoy spending time together and reflecting on the day they received their first Holy Communion. It should be a time of celebration but without extravagant party activities and over-elaborate fare. Preserve the meaning behind a first Holy Communion by offering simple food and activities, and make it a day to remember while surrounded by those that share the importance of this special day.