Joe Randazzo’s Fruit and Vegetable Store in Metro Detroit

Randazzo’s in metro Detroit is a local gem that, if you have not had the chance, you need to visit. This fruit and vegetable market has several locations in the area and is a great resource. The four locations are: 5240 East Outer Drive, Detroit; 24135 Joy Road, Dearborn Heights; 27530 Gratiot, Roseville; and 6701 Newburgh, Westland.

A local introduced me to this wonderful store, which will now become a stop I must make when I come to the area. According to their website, their low prices are due to being “one of the largest fruit and vegetable retailers in the mid-west”. ( I will admit, I have never seen a market like this inside this country. It is not a farmers’ market; it is a grocery store that sales fruits and vegetables.

Imagine walking in and seeing aisle upon aisle of bins of fruits and vegetables. Multiple kinds of apples (not just three or four kinds). Multiple types of citrus. Onions in 10 and 50 pound bags. Sugar snap peas that you can get as many handfuls of as you desire. It can be a little overwhelming the first time, but then you realize all the great deals around you. Then it is like being in produce heaven.

My first visit was on a Saturday. It is crazy on Saturdays as everyone is there. Go on a weekday for a less chaotic experience. The aisles are wide enough for three carts to be side by side, but only if the two along the edge are completely against the bins holding the produce. This caused several back ups as customers stopped to look at produce and someone else tried to get through. Patience and courtesy are a must in these instances. Everyone is trying to get to their destination so be aware of those around you and enjoy the sights and smells.

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The openness of the store creates feeling of an indoor local market, which is usually a good thing. However for the patron whose child chose to scream in a high pitched voice the whole time, please leave your child at home next time or take them out to the car. Besides the bins making aisles there are no walls so everyone in the store got to share in this experience. There is not really room for a child to run up and down aisles, so you might want to evaluate your particular children and see if they would be up for the trip.

Credit cards are accepted, so no need to do a run on the ATM first, unless you feel the desire to do so. They also bag up the produce for you, so you do not need to bring your own containers unless you want to. There are also some other items, such as flowers, that may be available for purchase. These are also at a great price. One thing you want to keep is mind is that it is easy to buy lots of produce (the prices are just so great) so make sure you have room in your transportation of choice for all the great finds.

As there are several locations, you may find that you prefer one over the other. I did find that the location at 6701 Newburgh had lots of parking and easy access in and out of their parking lot. Check it out and I will be you too will be pleasantly surprised.

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